[@Blueflame][@LightningMaiden][@Searat][@KatherinWinter] [center][h3][color=0087BD]Rost[/color] and [color=a0410d]Argus[/color][/h3][/center] [color=0087BD]"Why don't we compromise, for the first round of the exercise we can have Mason participate without carrying a weapon, in order to determine his capacity for fighting unaided. If he is found to be lacking, then I will escort him to the armory and help him select a side arm."[/color] Rost proposed, his gaze shifting between Argus and Mason, [color=0087BD]"I should also mention that should any of you have a special request for equipment, simply ask me and I will have one of my research teams begin work on it. Be it specialized clothing, weapons, or tools; if you need it, we can most likely build it."[/color] [color=a0410d]"Sounds reasonable enough."[/color] The Djinn agreed, looking towards Amaya, [color=a0410d]"We'll be playing capture the flag in the sim deck. Two teams, us versus some AI units. The goal isn't so much for us to win as it is for us to learn how to coordinate, figure out who works best together, and gain awareness of what the other members of the team are capable of."[/color] he explained plainly, [color=a0410d]"That's why we're not starting the exercise in combat. The first thing we need to do is take turns, one at a time, giving the others a complete rundown of our abilities."[/color] Argus informed the others; it was a simple method, but oftentimes the simplest of plans was the most effective [color=a0410d]"Alphabetical order should work; so the order will be Amaya, me, Astra, Griffin, Mason, Richard, and Rost."[/color]