[CENTRE][h3]Chapter 1 - Deo Gratia[/h3] [i]Where we meet new friends - Lord Hetman Dar es Kalar faces a dilemma - Wherein Colonel Igor Heintder's message gives solace to its audience - Preparations are made.[/i] [color=939393]theme[/color] [YOUTUBE]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0l4HHW98ys[/YOUTUBE] [/CENTRE] It was a calm trip through the warp that [i]His Benevolence[/i] experienced, veteran navigators and astropaths guiding its passage through the great ocean. It was a transport ship, one of the great whales of the Imperium carrying millions of men, thousands of tanks and flyers, quadrillions of units of ammunition and equipment. However, as of yet this is of little interest. Our story truly begins in the officers lounge near the starboard battery. Soft music can be heard, discussion of battle plans or more simple talk. A Catachan was arguing with a Kriegsman and threatening to rip off his mask. A Vostroyan and Tallarn compared the masterwork of their blades. Men pored over great maps, while others sipped wine and relaxed knowing soon the real deal would begin in but a few days. [CENTRE][img]https://i.imgur.com/mGv3PQo.jpg[/img][/CENTRE] Lord Hetman Dar es Kalar was in one part of this officer's lounge. He was at quite a large table chewing a thick sweet stick. He was overseeing command of the whole front, and it was a nasty business. Not only were the Dark Mechanicus clever and analytical yet paradoxically unpredictable, he knew every day this front remained open there were millions of soldiers unable to receive aid in fighting the perfidious Tau. Thus, a swift takeover was expected. Yet, while swift he was also expected to keep the industry present intact. It took the Administratum Scribe before him three polite coughs to actually get his attention. He was informed that the error in transcription was resolved, and he indeed would be receiving several more regiments than previously accounted for. Lord Kalar beamed with glee at this, and sent out pages to call the men over for a chat. There was no rush for there were still several more days for discussion. With them his job had become somewhat easier, but he needed to sort out where he would deploy these regiments.