[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmMzNDdlYy5RMjl1WkhWamRHOXlJRzltSUVOb1lXOXouMA,,/stoica-brush.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQwLmMzNDdlYy5SbTl5YldWeWJIa2dTMjV2ZDI0Z1FYTSwuMAAA/snicker-snack.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5jMzQ3ZWMuUjNKaGJuUWdTRzl5ZEc5dS4w/sweet-handwrite.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjIwLmMzNDdlYy5ZVzVrSUdocGN5QlRkWEJ3YjNObFpHeDVJRTlzWkdWeUlFSnliM1JvWlhJLC4wAA,,/sex-and-breakfast.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmVjOTE0Ny5URzl5Wlc1NmJ3LCwuMAAA/sweet-handwrite.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Despite being twenty-six years old, Grant apparently did not know his siblings as well as he should have. His earlier complaints had dropped on deaf ears, as once again, Grant was left with the brunt of the work. He hadn't drank much, knowing he needed to get up early, but apparently no one else had gotten the memo. And so once again, it was up to him to make sure the caterers had the right order, double checking the decorations hadn't been damaged, reviewing the DJ's list of music, triple checking their permits were good to go, and of course ensuring the bartenders weren't stoners who would hand out alcohol to minors. Because, you know, getting busted for distributing to minors was a party-killer. So one could say Grant was a [I]little[/I] stressed. Grant went over his checklist a good dozen times, rapidly tapping his pen against his notebook. If something was forgotten or left out, he could easily make arrangements to bring it during the party. As the thought crossed his mind, his cellphone buzzed in his pocket. If it was Lorenzo showing off yet another one of his conquests, he swore he was going to strangle him the next time they would see each other. But to his fortune, it was Marlie Castillo. Their friendship was an odd one, but it was a welcome relief considering the amount of crap he had been dealing with. As he walked to his car, he hit the voice message button. "[color=darkorchid]Come down to my family's party, there's always something to do there. I'm heading home to change now but we can meet up,[/color]" He spoke, hitting 'send' once he finished talking. Letting out a small groan as his phone buzzed again, he completely ignored it as he noticed this one was from Lorenzo. Instead, he sped off, making his way back to his house. As he went to park, he noticed Elliot's car. Once he parked, he entered his house, ignoring his mother's amused laugh as she noticed how stressed he looked. "[color=darkorchid]Glad to see my misery delights you,[/color]" He couldn't help but huff, though he stopped as he heard snoring. Alice motioned towards the living room, and Grant knew he was going to make good on his previous promise as he stomped over. Lo and behold, there was fucking Lorenzo snoozing away. Sprawled out on the couch, his head leaned back, and completely oblivious. The sight was too much, and Grant whacked him upside his head. Lorenzo let out a yelp, scrambling himself to a seated position. "[color=orange]Olivia don't take that picture--oh, thank God, it's just you,[/color]" Lorenzo sighed in relief, stifling a yawn as he would stand. "[color=orange]Okay, so, I'm a little out of it, but I'm here to help![/color]" He beamed, positively proud of himself as he grinned at Grant. Unbelievable. Grant didn't know whether to be annoyed or touched that Lorenzo wanted to help. "[color=darkorchid]...I finished everything already, do you have any idea what time it is?[/color]" He asked him slowly. "[color=orange]What?! But that's why I got here early--oh, shit,[/color]" Lorenzo facepalmed as he realized that he had passed out. "[color=orange]Okay, so, I got here early, but I must have passed out. But that counts! So you can't be mad![/color]" He defended himself, puffing his chest out. Grant was completely flabbergasted by Lorenzo at the moment. The urge to kill was definitely still there, but knowing he had made a genuine effort to show up was still somewhat surprising. The younger brother slowly shook his head, letting out a sigh.