[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180802/b360074f2e4c90b5d16217bba553a5ed.png[/img][/center][hr] It had been a long month since the battle for Trost and since that time the Survey Corps had switched bases to an old castle so that Hange could perform her experiments with Eren Yeagar away from prying eyes. This meant that all members were on cleaning duty to get the castle back up to Captain Levi's standards and after a full day of dusting and scrubbing floors on her hands and knees, Elena could say with the upmost confidence that she was [i]exhausted[/i]. "My knees are killing me," the redhead grumbled to herself, rubbing her hand gingerly over the offending sore spot. A few of her fellow scouts winced in sympathy, showing of their own 'war wounds'. One girl, a Sasha Braus, had a bright red hand print across her cheek from when she was tidying the kitchen and the cook caught her trying to sneak an extra ear of corn. Elena laughed, her voice lost in the din of the mess hall as everyone chatted or scarfed down their dinner. Elena was nursing a cup of chai tea while flipping through the pages of an agriculture book, her attention divided between skimming through it and half listening to her comrades.