Ambrose relaxed back into the couch, taking in the sight of Caleb. Reflecting back on the Caleb he first met, he would think he has had incredible growth from back then. Or at least he understood him better now. Ambrose welcomed Caleb onto the seat next time, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Yeah I want to relax." He sighed as he leaned into his partner. "Yeah, I guess I just don't wanna come uninvited." Amrbose shrugged and let out another sigh. "I know the rest of the group wants to meet soon... I don't know if I can though, I'm so tired." He pulled Caleb closer, pressing his face into his shoulder. "Even with the knives, I don't if we'll be able to win this."Ambrose thought back to that night, the scattered bodies and splattered blood. Those memories were still burned into his head, and he relived it most nights.