[b]Kludd-[/b] "Thanks, ripping it up shouldn't be an issue." I took the tablecloth with one hand, keeping one hand on his chest, while laying out the table cloth flat on the ground, and then holding it down with my knees. My hands, still in their sort of half claw state, would be good enough to rip it up one handedly. I could use my teeth, but, that would be much easier with both my hands, and im not about to just remove pressure on him entirely. As I was working on ripping it into smaller bits that would work for cleaning up his face, Issac started to bring up cauterizing the wounds, which really wouldn't be a bad idea. "Yeah, that'll be helpful, but im not doing it. Me and fire have bad history, and also Im not confident I could do it very well." I said, taking some of the tablecloth scraps and attempting to clean up his face a little, since everyone else seemed unwilling and/or busy. Ilyssa came back with alcohol and more cloth things, suggesting we go and find a way to clean up the wounds, which was an excellent idea as long as we could find a way to do so. Moving him wouldn't be too bad of a risk since his only injuries seemed to be the giant gashes. "I can go ahead and move him if you show me where you're thinking of putting him. After we clean them up, yall can try cauterizing the ones on his face, and his chest, i guess, but I think we can just wrap them up and it'll be fine." Before I would attempt to move him, I did my best to wrap up his face temporarily, and then taking off all but the bottom layer of already soaked things i'd piled on top of his chest so far, and put on something new on, just so I didn't have to carry around gross blood soaked things. That's nasty. After all that, I picked him up, still being pretty careful since he was injured. "Alright, where are we moving him?" [@Harlequ]