It's what we did for the hearings for two of the other ladies in the divorce squad, so it's kind of become a tradition at this point haha. It should be really nice. It means everything to know that I have great people in my life that I can rely on during all this so I can focus on getting through it. I have to see my ex today while he gets his stuff out of the house, but at least I won't have to look at his clothes in the closet anymore once its done. And then I can focus on packing everything else and getting ready to move! I'm so excited, we've found loads of cute places to rent and I'm going to live with two of the wonderful ladies from my divorce squad. <3 So they've got Meyers, Freddy, Leatherface and Amanda from Saw. From what I've gathered they're probably done with licensed killers, just because it's super hard to get the rights to make and sell cosmetics for them, and the devs want that sweet sweet profit. And tbh, I hope they only do original killers from here on out, just because they tend to be more creative