[u][b]Armored Train "Paladin Maximus" - Santa Fe Railyard[/b][/u] "Delightful", Star Paladin Clark, Commander of the Order's elite Brimstone Brigade, said before taking another long pull at the ice cold bottle of Old Chicago Stout he had been given by a aide. "Haven't had a drink since we got out here....hopefully Lucius's reforms will extend to alcohol before long." He then turned his attention back to the map of Santa Fe spread out on the table before them in the rather crowded conference room onboard the train's Command Car. "Where was I?", he asked, "Oh, yes...the Eastern defenses are nearly complete, the Engineers estimate it will require a week to complete them. With that, the city's defense lines will be complete. One Legion should be sufficient to hold this city against any likely adversary, including the NCR, for as long as provisions last...", adding "...assuming they manage to [i]reach[/i] the city, that is." "I doubt the NCR will try again anytime soon", Barnaky replied, "Not after the thrashing Lucius gave them...the idiots in Shady Sands can't blame us for losing the War this time, and Lucius sending his prisoners home rather than putting them on crosses made it impossible for them to hide the fact that the NCR was outclassed in every category but technology." He than asked, "You've served with the Legion enough, George....what do you think is the best thing we could do to help them going forward?" "Artillery, my Lord", Clark replied, "they have a number of pieces, but it's all pre-war weapons in a variety of models and conditions, and aside from a handful of former NCR artillerists that joined the Legion, they have no trained crews...except for the pieces they have here in Santa Fe, but our people haven't had much time to work with the men the Prefect provided." "Out East", Clark continued, "they'll have our boys to provide artillery support, and if I know Aurelius, once he sees what they can do for him he's going to want units of his own....we may as well get out ahead of that. Providing them with a sufficient amount of ordnance, and the training to operate and maintain them themselves, and they will do the rest...they are very fast learners." "Good idea", Barnaky replied, "Put that in your report to the Paladin-General and I'll endorse it." He then looked over at Martin, noticing he was checking his watch. "It time?", Barnaky asked. "Yes, My Lord", Martin replied, "If we leave now, we should have some time before the conference officially opens." "Very well then", Barnaky said as he stood up, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll excuse me." [u][b]The Palace of Caesar - later[/b][/u] Martin and Barnaky disembarked from the local horse drawn carriage they had hired, and as Martin paid the driver with a gold Ten Dollar coin...which being worth half a aureus the driver was very grateful for....Barnaky paused to look around. What he had seen on the trip from the Railyard was quite impressive, clearly Lucius had made great progress from the reign of his predecessor. While the Legion seemed to be somewhat more willing to execute offenders than he allowed his own lieutenants, that was likely due to the difference in the times and place of the situation they found themselves in. In the Mid-West, even many of the tribals had still remembered the Pre-War world, and how even the most difficult problems could be overcome by working together...in many areas smashing the largest Raider/bandit gang was all it took to win over the long suffering settlers, and even weaker raiders who saw the handwriting on the wall and chose to join the future before it inexorably rolled right over them. Here...the tribes Sallow then Lucius found cared for nothing outside their own lands and had to be dragged kicking and screaming to a better future. Unfortunate...but effective. The Legion's methods may be harsh, but in the end it was what enabled them to maintain their independence from the NCR....and from [i]him[/i] as well, which suited him just fine. He didn't want or need to rule the world. As Martin returned, the pair approached the gate and after presenting their credentials to the Praetorians standing watch there, were admitted inside. A lot of work had gone into the building and grounds, Barnaky had to look hard to spot the reminders of the pre-war library building that the palace had been re-purposed from. Barnaky didn't judge...after all, it was certainly more practical than the 45 story First National Bank Tower in Omaha that the Order, at his behest, had restored and re-purposed into the seat of Government for the Order's lands...restoring the building had cost a vast sum and took a decade to complete. Fortunately the people had taken to it, finding it more accessible and less forbidding than the hardened nuclear bunkers the Brotherhood had traditionally preferred up to that point, a form of tribal behavior in itself. The Praetorian guards snapped to attention as they entered the front doors of the Villa. along the walls of the foyer, were numerous trophies of both Lucius's skills as a hunter, and successful general. Next to an enormous stuffed Yao Gai, mounted on it's hind legs standing nearly nine feet tall, was a exhibit that looked newer than the others. Inside a glass case, on a carefully folded NCR flag, was a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, a well made leather holster for it marked with the NCR Bear and three stars, and a Tanker's helmet, as well as what appeared to be a red vehicle ID plate emblazoned with the three white stars of a Lieutenant General and a NCR military ID card. On a small brass plate attached to the case was a simple statement "Taken in battle outside Phoenix". Barnaky read the name on the ID card and smirked inwardly. [i]Kimball. Not many people can nail a hide like [b]that[/b] to their trophy wall. [/i] Barnaky, Martin right behind him, ambled on to the woman waiting for them at the end of the foyer. The more expensive cut of her outfit, as well as the small cross hanging from her neck, revealed her identity before she even spoke. “Salve," she said, "I am Hannah of New Canaan. Welcome to Santa Fe on behalf of my husband, Caesar Lucius. And welcome to our home, please make yourselves comfortable inside.” "Salve", Barnaky replied, "I am Simon Barnaky, Elder and Lord-Paladin of the Midwestern Brotherhood, and this is Brother Martin, my Secretary of State. We are honored to accept the gracious hospitality of you and your husband." After a brief exchange of pleasantries, they were led by attendants into the main hall, and shown their place at the conference table. Looking around, Barnaky could see that they were early arrivals, of the attendees he was aware of, only High Elder Gladstone was here, and he was currently in what looked like a rather tense conversation with Lucius, who appeared to be in good health in spite of having nearly been shot dead killing Kimball so recently. He didn't hear what was said, but between the enhanced optics of the robot, and being able to read lips, he caught the last part of Lucius's reply. [i]"....when the true war now lies east!” [/i] "[i]Well, shit[/i]", Barnaky thought darkly, "[i]I don't like the sound of that...what did Gladstone ask of him?[/i]" For the first time, Barnaky realized that his long time goal of clearing his name with the Brotherhood in general may not be reconcilable with his relations with his neighbors. This was disturbing, and something he had to think upon. "They do not seem to be having a very jovial discussion, my Lord", Martin said, "what do you think..." "They aren't, and I don't know and intend to find out", Barnaky replied, cutting Martin off before he could finish his question. "Paper and pen, please". Handed a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen, he scribbled "Is this a bad time?" on the paper, folded it over, and waved over a servant. "Please give your Master Lord-Paladin Barnaky's regards", and pressed the folded note into her hand, "and give him this as quickly as possible. Thank you." Barnaky, bidding Martin follow, stepped over towards one of the larger windows and looked out. "Now we wait", Barnaky said quietly.