[@CmdrAlfieq][@Hokum] [b]As Ernest and Ernest Jr[/b] Ernest Jr Speaks up. "I am neither robot nor drone. I am a sentient spaceship. If there are more specific classifications that can describe me, I am not aware of them". Ernest decides to locate the Ernest Jr Drone on the chair that Fanny May declined sitting on. Ernest is a bit surprised to find out Fanny May knows so much about the MASGC and Hany's Ribbon already, but doesn't make his surprise aparant. He is also a bit surprised that Fanny May referred to the Ribbon as a "she", again, not making it apparent. [hr] [@Hokum] [b]As Ramrod.[/b] "MRAOH MRAOH?!" (YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!) Ramrod is truly shocked by the suggestion. "Mraoh mraoh mraoh! Mraoh!" (I can't ask one of my troops to blow themselves up! That would be insane!" Just then, the coms open up for Ramrod. He pauses for a moment. He looks at the screen. Against his better judgement, he starts giving the order. This is a long message, so I'm just going to give the translation and not bother with the Mraohs. (This is Ramrod, and this message is intended for the troops. I think I have a way to free Rodia. I... I don't really like it though. So I can't blame you if none of you want to fulfill it... I have been informed that, if something that is caught in the Forte's tractor beam explodes, it'll knock out the entire tractor beam. It doesn't matter what, just as long as it explodes... I'm not going to ask any of you to volunteer... I can't... But... It'll save Rodia...) Ramrod regretfully Mroah'd. After he sent the message, Ramrod let go of the wall, letting himself fall to the floor in emotional exhaustion, staring up at the ceiling. "Mraoh-mraoh...." (I can't believe I just asked one of my people to commit a kamikaze attack....) [hr] [b]As Rodia[/b] Lars busts into Rorod's office. "I was able to contact that ship, no response though!" Rorod doesn't answer. He just shows him Ramrod's order. Down at the battlefield, the pilots are livid. The coms are open between them. Militia 1: "The- That's insane! We... we can't blow one of us up!" Armored Gunship Pilot 1: "You have a better idea? This could save Rodia, man!" Militia 1: "This is a kamikaze attack! It's unethical! It's going against the entire point of this war!" Militia 2: "Besides, none of our ships have self-destruct, someone would have to-" AG Pilot 1: "Look, I don't like it either! I don't want to have to shoot one of my own comrades!" AG Pilot 2: "I volunteer." Miltia 1 & 2: "WHAT?!" AG Pilot 2: "Look, there were complications in my production, kinda like those R-Core that aren't finished right now. I age faster than an R-Core is supposed to. I'm near the end of my life anyway. If I am going to die early, it might as well be for my friends." AG Pilot 2 extended the wings of his Gunship, making them completely vulnerable. "Any volunteers?" Nobody answered him. None of the soldiers wanted to attack AG Pilot 2. And can to blame them? Who would want to attack their own fellow soldier? Suddenly, All of the Rodia pilots on the field, along with Rorod, got a message from an encrypted source: "I'm sorry, soldier. You are a brave man. If the rest of Rodia are as brave as you, they might have hope." [hr] [b]As Siren[/b] "Well, it did SOMETHING." She said to herself as the tractor flickered. When it came online, her ship specifically wasn't caught quite as hard. She still can't escape, but she can rorate the ship around a little. She then hears Ramrod's transmission, as well as the pilot talk back and forwarth. She thinks to herself. [i]A kamikaze attack, huh? Is there really no other way? Come on, even I wouldn't do that...[/i] She waits for a moment. When the soldier's banter stops, she notices that one has volunteered himself. Nobody is willing to attack him though. Not that she can blame them. She sends out an encrypted message, "I'm sorry, soldier. You are a brave man. If the rest of Rodia are as brave as you, they might have hope." She turns her ship around, and fired as the exposed Gunship, blowing off one of it's wings and piercing the weak spot left in it's armor. A second later, the gunship explodes in a slightly more violent manner than you'd expect from a spaceship that size.