[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EIusp1O.png[/img] [hr][hr] [i]Dystopian, supernatural, grimdark 3-6 players[/i] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpFt6SGYGPQ[/youtube][/center] [hr][hr] [i]Welcome to Eden. One of the last few bastions of free society. The autonomous city-state is known for high crime-rates, an oxymoronic peace force, and supernatural occurrences. For the citizens who aren't wealthy enough to buy their way to safety, it's a horrendous place to live. But it's not like anywhere else is any better. Safer than the bandits and flesh-melting heat outside, at least. The city is corrupt. Corporations act above the law. If one lives in the wards, they can have their choice of living in gangland or terrorized by the peace force. The districts aren't much better. Terror attacks and otherworldly forces pervade Eden. Citizens can do nothing but try to keep the abominable horrors out of their minds. The horrors aren't something that normal people can handle. Not the peace force, not Eden's government, not the gangs. But that's why Ultralight exists. To illuminate what lie in the shadows.[/i] [hr][hr][h2]Rules[/h2] [list][*]Don't be a weenie. [*]Communicate with me if you have any problems or anything comes up. Teamwork makes the dream work. [*]Follow the standard RP coda - don't godmod, bunny, things of that sort. [*]Try to post weekly. Don't worry extensively about length.[/list] [hr][hr][h2]Information[/h2] [b]*As it stands, incomplete. If you have any questions that aren't covered by these, please do ask.[/b] [hider=Ultralight]Rather than having a rigid hierarchy and structure, Ultralight focuses on having an independent structure that can function no matter what damage the organization takes. While assumed that Ultralight has a leader, they maintain almost zero contact with any contractor. Instead, they choose to solely interact through [i]liaisons[/i], trusted support staff who administrate contractors. One usually doesn't choose to become a contractor. More often than not, contractors are scouted by senior members by being in proximity of the supernatural. Other times, criminals are scouted by Ultralight plants—becoming indentured contractors. In order to ensure secrecy, contractors are paid extraordinarily well for their duties. For those not swayed by payment, the threat of government plants and other contractors often dissuade anyone from revealing Ultralight's secrets. As Ultralight is independent, many contractors work together to form a cell. Contractors often use safe houses to store any goods they can't keep on their regular person, relax, and most importantly, interact with their liaison. Your liaison is Cider, a gentle figure who genuinely cares about the contractors who works for her. Her safehouse is located in the "Empty" District, a maze of abandoned and ruinous factories and warehouses. Small pockets of extreme radioactivity make the Empty District almost impossible for regular people to navigate.[/hider] [hider=Factions][b][u]EDENPOL[/u][/b] Created during the inception of Eden, [b][color=fff79a]EDENPOL[/color][/b] (colloquially known as the Peace Force, Peace Keepers, or Pigs, depending on perspective) is the sole law enforcement agency within Eden. While originally conceptualized as a force that protects law-abiding citizens at any cost to themselves, they quickly became a militarized force that protects the interests of those who support Eden's government. Political opponents are often arrested and protesters are often assailed. While younger members are idealized with a can-do attitude, the vast majority of the force follow a strict code of honor. Honor directed towards other officers rather than the people. In the Wards, the force often wears full body armour and helmets that hide the faces of officers. The Districts often use the same armour, but without helmets. Very rarely do officers wear armour in the Centre. Often times, they prefer to be undercover as to not worry the rich denizens. Best described as a paramilitary, [b][color=fff79a]EDENPOL[/color][/b] primarily protects those with money and support the government. Currently lead by Commissioner Charlotte Ansel. [b][u]Gangs[/u][/b] While many small time gangs exist, there are only three gangs that have any global power. Controlling the northern Wards, the [b][color=f7976a]Sanhehui[/color][/b] control the flow of people within the city of Eden. Primarily earning their profits via human trafficking, they supply unsavory people with the destitute. However, the [color=f7976a][b]Sanhehui[/b][/color] isn't an organization for the light hearted. Rather than an organized, single organization, the [color=f7976a][b]Sanhehui[/b][/color] refers to the dozens of gangs that litter the streets. Gang fights and murder are common for those who live in the northern Wards. While each organization of the [color=f7976a][b]Sanhehui[/b][/color] is at odds, they all respect their leader, Uncle Guo Kai Zheng, and share a deep hatred for [color=7ea7d8][b]Los Lados[/b][/color]. Hailing from the south Wards, [color=7ea7d8][b]Los Lados[/b][/color] are deeply involved with the creation of all drugs and illegal weaponry that flow through Eden. Their organization is extremely rigid. At the very top is Lado, their leader. From there, he has underbosses who each specialize in a certain aspect. Security, production, distribution, that sort of thing. The south Wards are ruled with an iron fist. If Lado wants someone dead, they die. Simple as that. They have a fierce rivalry with the [b][color=f7976a]Sanhehui[/color][/b]. Operating throughout Eden are the [color=fff79a][b]Ito-Gumi[/b][/color]. Primarily gaining their money from acting as middle men for each faction, they corrupt every sector imaginable. From reselling drugs to racketeering to strip clubs, they have their finger in every piece of the pie. While they are found throughout Eden, they are most concentrated in the Red Light district. Lead by Chairman Ito, the [color=fff79a][b]Ito-Gumi[/b][/color] follow a strict code of chivalry and honor. [b][u]Corporations[/u][/b] Being the sole medical provider of Eden, [color=7bcdc8][b]MER Corp.[/b][/color] supply the people with much needed medicine and medical implants. For a price, of course. Having a monopoly on all things medical, they charge exorbitant rates, creating a great divide between the wealthy and the impoverished. They are the forefront of medicine. With all of the cash they make, they are constantly creating brand new technologies to improve the lives of those who can afford them. The [color=a187be][b]Meosjingisul[/b][/color] focus primarily on technology. Everything electronic, from stoves to televisions to weapon components, are created by them. Weaponry is an open market. Dozens of companies all release weapons. The largest of the two are [color=c4df9b][b]Jackal Kinetic[/b][/color], who create the standard cartridge-based weaponry, and [color=f49ac2][b]NRG[/b][/color], who create bog standard magnetic weapons. The distributors for all things entertainment, [color=e5fc80][b]E.[/b][/color] creates media. Movies, television, music, anything that someone will buy, they produce it. [b][u]The Supernatural[/u][/b] Abominations. The Horrors. Youkai. Demons. Supernatural. Many names pervade these beings. Primarily malevolent, they are anything that can't be classified as part of the natural order.[/hider] [hider=Locales][b]Cider's Safe House[/b] Following a maze of streets, alleys, and holes in buildings, up a fire escape, through a concealed hole in the wall, then up two flights of stairs, one can enter one can arrive at Cider's safe house. The place goes by many names—home, the bar, the easy, Cider's place—that everyone all accepts. Built into a former live-in apartment complex, the safe house is not easy for anyone to find. Heavily "renovated", the safe house is nothing more than four small apartments with the walls cut away. With cozy chairs and warm lights, the safe house is a place for contractors to relax between outings. The place is stocked with enough food to have an occasional meal, but it won't be anything luxurious. There's often enough alcohol to get even the largest groups wasted. [b]The Wards[/b] Consisting of shoddy buildings that are constantly falling apart, the Wards are slums. There is very little empty space in the Wards. Everywhere that a building could be, there is one. The north is controlled by the [b][color=f7976a]Sanhehui[/color][/b], the south by [color=7ea7d8][b]Los Lados[/b][/color], and the west is occupied by [b][color=fff79a]EDENPOL[/color][/b]. [b]The Districts[/b] Split into dozens of individual sectors, the Districts are where most citizens live. The business districts contain stores and restaurants, the residential districts contain apartments, and the industrial districts contain factories. The Districts are often varied compared to the Wards or the Centre. [i]Notable Districts: [u]The Ghost District[/u] - Formerly an industrial district, an unfortunate accident had left most of the area with severe radiation leaks. The buildings, along with the radiation, form together to create a maze that's perfect to hide an organization. Cider and her safe house are located within this district. [u]Red Light District[/u] - Everything unsavory is found in this district. Sex, drugs, anything one's heart desires. Protected by the [color=fff79a][b]Ito-Gumi[/b][/color]. [u]Downtown[/u] - The most active district. Nightclubs, bars, and strip clubs are commonplace. If one wants a good time, they should look no further than the downtown district.[/i] [b]The Centre[/b] With towering skyscrapers, the Centre is where the rich live and do business. The streets often have trees and grass on the corners, an attestment to the rich vanities of those who live in the centre.[/hider] [hider=Technology]Eden is advanced. Robotics have been making strides, but any sort of true AI is far off. Androids exist, but the extent of their usage remains low. Store clerks, tour guides, and upscaled Roombas are as far as traditional robotics gets. Motorized prosthetics are common for those who have the money and lack an arm. With enough therapy, one can reach ordinary mobility with one. Weaponry is divided primarily into two categories. Traditional cartridge-based weapons and the more advanced magnetic-based weapons. Cartridge-based weapons are often cheaper, louder, and have more stopping power. Magnetic based weapons are, for private citizens, exorbitantly expensive. However, they can fire faster with less recoil and are considerably more reliable.[/hider] [hr][hr] Pretty much everything not included that's common - gender, age, things like that, was removed for brevity. They're also really easy to know contextually. Add to or format this how you please. Image isn't necessary. [code][center][img]place-image-here[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] (Real name.) [b]Alias:[/b] (Contractors almost always use aliases for the sake of secrecy) [b]Personality:[/b] (Feel free to make it as short or long as you want, this only exists to make sure characters don't overlap too much) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Anything the picture doesn't cover; height, weight if you want) [b]History:[/b] (How they ended up working as a contractor, their reputation/notable missions working for Ultralight if a veteran) [b]Capabilities:[/b] (Supernatural abilities, fighting styles, talents - anything skill that is notable) [b]Equipment:[/b] (Anything notable they use: weapons, armour, robot arm, things of that sort - don't feel the need to include wealth or any throw away items) [b]Other:[/b] (Anything else you want to include - delete this if there's nothing, you scoundrel, you)[/code]