[center][h1][color=A84B5E][u]R a e l[/u][/color][/h1] [hr][color=gray] • Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •[/color][hr][/center] [indent][color=A84B5E]“Still alive.”[/color] Rael responded, as she made sure to look at the door for any sign of it budging or any of the slimes trying to make under the massive wall of metal that was blocking off the room. As she kept her eyes focused on the massive door her thoughts began to already wander – she had been in a lot of dungeons, so given the information she had her mind was already trying to figure out the dungeon she was already in. Her thoughts kept going back to how she could solve the dungeon, how to find the exit, what she would do if she designed the dungeon, and what role the slimes and the room they were placed in had in the grand scheme of things. What if they were the bosses? What if the room was required to proceed to the next area? They were questions she was [i]sure[/i] were being asked in the back of the minds of her allies. The group was so flabbergasted and still obviously frightened that they were making emotional decisions rather than pragmatic ones. It was probably why they weren't bring out these concerns to the group at large. However, Rael wasn't a woman who resigned to being toothless and afraid of asking the hard questions. Rael was bold. Maybe too bold for her own good. [color=A84B5E]“What are the odds we have to go back in there?”[/color] She looked to Graves. [color=A84B5E]“Or that the room is the key to all of this?”[/color] Rael could see the look on the rest of the group's faces and despite being so socially incompatible with the group at large, she understood it. If she was in their shoes she would've been asking why she had a death wish and why the fuck the room would be designed as the crux of the dungeon. As a concept it didn't make much sense. But the whole dungeon made no sense since they entered it. But she did understand she needed to reassure the group that she wasn't as insane as she sounded if they were going to proceed in the dungeon. Whether they went back in the room or not. They needed to think about their options and she needed them to give a fuck about what she had to say. Elian hadn't exactly made it any easier when she yelled at her for trying to inspire the group when the revelation that the servers were having issues were being made. [color=A84B5E]“Like, I don't want to go back in. I'm just trying to think how we're supposed to handle this. What the goal is outside of killing us. Every dungeon has a goal to solving it. Otherwise there'd be no world to fight in. So, like, what's the purpose of that room? It's too large to simply be a trap, is what I'm thinking.”[/color][/indent]