Several fast paced foot steps could be heard in the lead to the cargo bay as a large heavily dressed humanoid man stepped into the the room. If one didn't know the wet suit of an Equariel better they'd think it were just another human with an over active sense of caution, or maybe even a gaudy taste for armor wear. But in this society the sight of the suit and the heavy scent of saltwater was a dead giveaway to the wearer's identity. This was a being of Opecularis, a fish man that would have been considered an oddity to many some years ago but now was just another aspect of daily life. It was none other than Kriev'en, totting a large plasma tech rifle in both hands as he walked to the group that had gathered as ordered. A deep crackling click could be heard beneath the mask, a result of his deep injuries after a battle with a large predator on his home planet as he had explained it. Soon after his voice groaned through. [color=0054a6]"Quite a large beast, if the planet has more of those in store for us perhaps we should equip ourselves with more appropriate weaponry."[/color] A deep inhale followed his statement and his grip settled into a more comfortable position before he continued. [color=0054a6]"Should the occasion arise for it, it's best not to tempt fate by being unprepared. From what I hear birds on the Human world [i]like[/i] the taste of fish, and I don't plan on being a meal today..."[/color] [color=598527]"Don't mind him, he's always been rather quick on the trigger."[/color] Another familiar face stepped in soon after the Kriev'en made his statement. It was the ship's brought on Doctor, Doctor Ballik. A specialist in the field of medicine and biological research. Like normal her face was exposed and she wore her standard labcoat with shorts combination that seemed soaked through where the sleeves made contact with the arms. Each foot step she took left large rectangular spots of water on the floor along with a trail of drips as if she had just stepped out of the shower with no effort to dry off. Without much hesitation she began to go through her standard check of Kriev's gear, making sure he would be sufficiently moisturized for at least the next 5-6 hours if needed. [color=598527]"Just be sure to find some kind of water source Kriev. You don't want to dry out again, you'll get a infection rash at this rate."[/color]