Allysse was charmed by the young girl's excitement and innocence, making her laugh warmly. She thought Kura's outfit was utterly fascinating, and it served to further pique her curiosity about the girl. She thought the amethyst in her bag would amuse her, so she began to fumble through her bag to take it out. While she was searching, she said, "The only thing that's really special about me is that I have a fantastic memory. So that's kinda like magic! ... In a way." Just then, a serious and determined-looking lady with a badge burst into the lounge and hurried on to the deck. When the woman opened the door, the tranquil and boring lounge was abruptly filled with the sounds of commotion and panic from outside. Worry began to rise in the pit of Allysse's stomach, and she was reminded of the screams that had awoken her in the first place. Allysse sprung out of her seat and followed behind the investigator. She stopped dead in her tracks at the doorway. It was absolute chaos on the deck. Through the blur of frantic people running around and crowding, she could see that there lay a man, drenched, that looked half (or completely) dead; a desperate woman, also drenched, gasping something about her daughter; the investigator shouting, and a sight that made her gasp: a girl with long black hair and a beautiful pair of wings. Looking over to Kura, she put up her hand up to signal her to stay where she was, as her words seemed to falter in that moment. The winged girl took flight, which brought Allysse's attention to the hot air balloon in the sky. The balloon was violently shaken by the wind and began to fall rapidly, but Allysse had to think quick. Everyone's screams brought her back to reality and strangely gave her vital clarity of mind: she had to stop gawking at the strange girl, and find out what needed immediate attention. Knowing what to do, she aptly weaved in and out of sprinting people to check the pulse of the unconscious man. She knelt down and pressed on the man's neck to feel a pulse. Waiting... and nothing. She was shaking, and the water on the man's neck made it impossible to get a proper grip. She shrugged off her blazer and dried off the poor man's neck. Then, taking deep breaths and ignoring the sensation of her own heart pounding and the blood rushing through her veins, Allysse could feel a faint, almost non-existent pulse.