[hr][center][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/f5680f53522101.59377852a7113.png[/img][/center][hr][sub][color=FDAD07][b]Earth's Moon, Luna[/b] [b]Issue #2[color=white] [b]—[/b][/color][/b] Unseen Enemies[/color][/sub] [indent][color=8F898E][b]“Raaaghhhhhh!!!!”[/b][/color] Bekka slammed her foot forward, moving away from the creature as the portal closed behind the monster. She wasn't quite sure why she decided on the moon on impulse – but it probably was one of the better choices she could've picked. Earth's Moon was desolate and had no real organic matter for it to feed on. It was a dead husk with no people, animals, or plants for it to feast upon. It also meant there were no people to be caught in the crossfire of a battle between them. It was ideal. She didn't need to hold back. However, she knew that a creature that was devouring whatever life it could sink its teeth in wouldn't be an easy foe. She herself, even as a god of New Genesis, was at risk. But she had no intention of becoming caught in the gray-toned creatures gaping jaw amd becoming one of its victims. She spun in her current position, sword in hand. The metal dug into the creature's weak flesh, splitting it in an instant. Bekka knew it had amazing regenerative abilities, but how much of that regenerative ability did it actually have? How many limbs could it grow back at once? What happened when it started pushing its own body to regenerate what it lost? It was only a theory, but it was all she had for the time being. As a piece of the gray, mangled flesh fell to the moon's surface, Bekka drove her sword forward and forced it as hard as she could to the left in an attempt to cause more damage and severe another limb. She did it again in reverse. And then again, this time downward. She repeated this process until there was as little of a body as she could. The creature screeched in pain, anger, and hunger. Bekka took her breaths, and thought for a moment as she looked at the results of her little hypothesis as she stepped a few feet backward in case the creature had some kind of trick in mind for her. [color=8F898E][b]“Raaaghhhhhh!!!!”[/b][/color] The same guttural noise escaped from the creature as its corpse ballooned as more tentacles grew from its mass. It was still a fast process – but it was slower by a few seconds. As it did so, it extended its limbs to attempt to bring Bekka closer, to [i]feed[/i]. Bekka had been expecting that much and was quick to dodge and strike back in one quick movement, though she still wasn't sure about how to defeat the creature. So she decided at that moment she would repeat her attacks several times over. It was here that she realized it was taking longer and longer to regenerate. It was growing [i]smaller.[/i] Earth's moon was in a void. There were no people around them. There was nothing to eat but her and she wouldn't let it touch her without consequence. That's when she was certain about its existence. [color=FDAD07][i]Your regeneration, it needs a lot from you, doesn't it? How long will it be until you are nothing but a helpless creature?[/i][/color] She smirked. This would be faster than she thought. [/indent]