[@Quote5][@Metatrooper] Siren's attack on the exposed Gunship is successful. The explosion creates a cascade effect, breaking down the tractor beam in a series of further explosions that quickly reach the tractor beam emitter and cause the central matrix to malfunction. But the effects of the blast, in combination with Siren's previous use of Sing that sent numerous other Forte systems into turmoil, cause a series of other system malfunctions. Immediately, the other tractor beams fail and all the other ships are released as the massive torpedo-shaped Forte Vessel shutters and begins to spin. While it does so, it sends out automated distress signals as well as a number of signature readings that suggest that a high-yield energy imbalance is taking place within the vessel - The Forte vessels propulsion systems are one of the many other systems effected by the blast, in combination with Sing. It is only a matter of minutes before the Forte Vessel loses containment and self destructs. The blast of the Forte vessel will be enough to obliterate every other vessel within a 20,000 mile radius. If Hany's ribbon's threat was not enough, there is now another and even more immediate threat pending. The Rodia, The Wave Blaster, and the Tempest had better get their asses out of there. Unfortunately... Ramrod and Hank are still trapped inside the Forte vessel. [hr] ((had to respond to this situation immediately. Apologies to the others who might be waiting for my reply, I'll respond to you as well in my next post.))