[center] [img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/7b1e22ae-8264-4a9d-9a06-c20fedd22075/be1363e6-1991-4d03-8d5e-841aa69b9027.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180802/12c49f5d15a6301b7d915a4f6e81d2f6.png[/img] Many years ago, in the days of ancient Greece, a great host of Gods ruled over the lands, administering justice, power, and their favor across the humans. The humans respected and worshipped the Gods to gain favor with them in hopes of having good lives, but the Gods also had to put respect in humans- without their belief they would be unable to exist. And yet soon the Greek Gods were pushed aside for other religions, and the Gods realized that it would not be Titans or monsters that would kill them all, but rather, it would be the insignificant humans and their lack of belief. By the modern times, all the Gods were as good as dead, with almost all their power sapped away. But they foresaw trouble coming from all across the globe, and knew they had to act. So using their remaining power, they did something they had rarely considered. They became human. ~~~ The small town of Rose Beach, Delaware, has a rather small population, but tons of life. Street shops along the beach, which is famous for its red-pink sand, are bustling with life, especially over the summertime, where the students of Rose Beach High School (RBHS) spend much of their time out by the beach enjoying their allotted vacation time. A few of those students will soon realize that they’re more than just students. That the power of a God resides within them. That they’re born protectors of the world. Fun summer break, huh? [i]In essence, a slice-of-life somewhat sandbox RP about a bunch of Gods reincarnated as teens in a small town. Guiding plot, but a lot of creative liberty. Feel free to pick any god in the Greek mythos, your choice. -A47 [/i] [/center]