“As you may already be aware, the world is not what it seems. Throughout history things have always been shaped by the unseen, the unknown, the weird. Saved by great people, threatened by dark forces. “Unfortunately, it would seem the cycle has come around again. The world needs your skills... this is why we have contacted you. To travel to the heart of the American government, Washington D.C., and help us. You will, of course, be compensated for your troubles.” Signed: Mr. L. S. Armstrong - S.W.F [hr] The year is 2018, and you have been contacted by the Speedwagon Foundation for assistance in very delicate matters. News has spread of mass sickness within the district, an unexplainable illness that kills most of its victims, and grants both the survivors and seemingly unaffected individuals in its path strange abilities, what the majority of Americans might even refer to as “superpowers”. You, of course, know them as “Stands”, whether or not you possess one yourself - hell, perhaps you’re already a valued and valuable member of the Speedwagon Foundation, or even one of the empowered survivors of this strange sickness. That is why you are here to begin with: your awareness of the supernatural, not to mention your mundane skillsets, make you perfect candidates for this investigation. With any luck, you will be able to address these concerns accordingly, and once again make the world a safer place. [hr] [u][h3]For those who are new to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure...[/h3][/u] The world of JJBA is, frankly speaking, one of oddity even in the mundane. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd8ph0yeEBw]Ridiculous antics abound,[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whd8VcW2ViM]dramatic posing is frequent,[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW6vlU7iYvY]the characters have a tendency to make a big impression,[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYe5Pr_zusc]even when they are being subtle.[/url] No wonder the adventures of the Joestar family are so bizarre, then. It’s very difficult to explain the series in detail without sounding like a crazy person or putting people off at first glance, but the style inherent to JJBA, its ability to offer the insane without departing from the sensible, is evidently addictive to a great number of people - much like a certain Stand power, It Just Works. Speaking of Stand powers... [hider=Regarding Stands] Stands are, in essence, the equivalent of psychic powers in the world of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, entities which “stand by” their user, either literally or otherwise, in humanoid and non-humanoid forms, or even bound to physical objects. Not everyone can develop a Stand, as most lack the strength of will to control one, and each Stand user can only possess a single Stand, but they are rather potent: only Stand users can see Stands, only Stands can harm Stands, and each typically possesses physical abilities beyond what the user themselves bears, not to mention powers unique to the user, ranging from those as simple as transformation into string or manipulation of the elements, to the more complex abilities such as enhancing one’s own abilities in some way, to more abstract control over the world and its constants, and occasionally interacting with the fabric of space-time or even fate itself. However, not everything is peaches and cream. Most Stands, with few exceptions, need to be directly controlled or given orders by their user in some way or another, can only be in one place at a time, and any damage a Stand takes directly correlates to damage taken by the user and vice versa. In other words, a user’s death or unconsciousness will result in their Stand dissipating, whilst a Stand’s destruction will kill the user accordingly. Equally, plenty of Stands may or may not appear to perfectly follow some of these rules, though most will adhere to them unless their power somehow affects their interaction with the world. For more detailed information on Stands, as well as access to the JJBA wiki as a whole, please follow [url=http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Stand]this link,[/url] though note that spoilers are present on the wiki. [/hider] [hr] [u][h3]Game Rules[/h3][/u] [list][*]Please follow the rules of the website - most notably, don’t be a jerk, and be sure to write to the expected standards of the Advanced section. [*]Please try to post within a reasonable timeframe. Beyond the initial posting frequency, once every week is more than sufficient, but I can’t help you if you’re consistently days behind everyone else. If, of course, you have a good reason to be delayed, do tell me before I choose to move on, and I’ll take that into account. [*]Please write down who you think the best JoJo is in the Other section of the character sheet. [*]Please be aware that the nature of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure means that character death is an inherent risk throughout the RP. I will not hold back when it comes to NPC action, nor will I avoid killing player characters off if it is a logical outcome. Not [i]every[/i] fight will result in death, but any fight [i]can[/i] result in death, especially if you aren’t smart about defeating your opponents. [*]Equally, the nature of Stand battles tends to skew in favour of larger groups. Thus, I will likely only be accepting a small number of players on an invitational basis, and it may well be that not every player character will be directly involved in every Stand battle, depending on when and why the party splits at any given time. [*]Please be [b][i]⁂FABULOU~~S~⁂[/i][/b] [*]No, seriously. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most off-the-wall settings in existence without going into the realm of nonsense, and in that regard, the Rule of Cool is in full effect - feel free to utilise even very specific facts about the world to bolster the logic behind your moves and attacks, and note that even the most ridiculous plans might succeed if they’re presented dramatically enough.[/list] [hr] [u][h3]The Sheets[/h3][/u] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name[/b]: The character’s name, typically derived from one or more famous singers, bands, or other sources of significance. As a rule, I don’t intend to allow players to derive their character from significant bloodlines in canon; if you’re that desperate to show off a Joestar or Zeppeli or what have you, PM me so that I can discuss it with you. [b]Gender[/b]: The character’s birth sex. Sexuality and self-perceived gender are separate matters; discuss these in their personality. [b]Age[/b]: The character’s age. Simple enough. [b]Stand[/b]: The name of the character’s Stand, if they have one. Be aware that you don’t need to give your character a Stand at all, though they will be aware of the existence of the supernatural either way, and will have the potential to develop a Stand later on nonetheless - write down “N/A” if this is the case. Despite the disadvantages against them, it is entirely possible for a perfectly normal human to defeat most Stand users with the right mix of technical skill and planning ahead. [b]Appearance[/b]: Describe the character’s physical appearance, including their height and build and their clothing, which should of course be suitably fabulous. Note that despite the game being set in the United States of America, there is no requirement that your characters be American by nationality; Stand powers don’t discriminate by race, after all. [b]Personality[/b]: Describe the character’s personality, including any quirks they exhibit and philosophies they live by. Again, here’s the place to discuss the character’s sexuality and gender, as well as any other aspects of their persona they may or may not consider important, such as likes and dislikes, religion, political stance, mental illnesses and psychological conditions, hopes and fears, and even prejudices - assuming any given topic is pertinent, of course. [b]Skills[/b]: Mundane physical and mental skills your character possesses, like knitting, jogging, boxing, speed-reading, cooking, or observation. This section also covers supernatural powers they possess that are not Stands, which don’t specifically have to be derived from what is known to be canonical; to wit, whilst I won’t deny anything like vampirism, the Spin, or the Ripple “just because”, do discuss these and any other supernatural abilities with me if you want to include them. [b]History[/b]: Write down the character’s backstory here, including significant past events. A minimum of two or three decently-sized paragraphs would be appreciated; otherwise, feel free to be as brief or as detailed with it as you like. [b]Other[/b]: Anything else that may optionally be worth noting about the character, including what their name references. [/hider] [hider=Stand Sheet] [b]Stand Name[/b]: The Stand’s name, typically derived from a famous band, album, or song, which frequently also has a significant relation to the user’s personality and/or history through the name or lyrics happening to describe them, rather than as a direct part of their life experiences; feel free to encase the name in 「hook brackets」 or not at your leisure. [b]Stand Parameters[/b]: The Stand’s stat layout, with C representing roughly human ability in that area. There are no ranks beyond A or E, respectively the strongest and weakest a parameter can get, and I won’t be allowing ranks of None or Infinite. Other than this, a reasonably balanced layout would be preferable; explanations for the Stand’s parameter layout are optional, though I reserve the right to ask for an explanation if I feel it is appropriate or necessary. [i]Power[/i]: A-E. A.K.A. Destructive Power. Represents a Stand’s potential to deal damage and cause destruction, either through their direct strength or their ability. Note that a low-Power Stand is not necessarily ineffective in a battle, merely unlikely to cause large amounts of physical harm to a target or to the user’s surroundings on its own. [i]Speed[/i]: A-E. Represents how fast a Stand can move and react, and occasionally how quickly their ability takes effect. A low-Speed Stand may not literally have less speed that the average human, but will nonetheless have difficulty in acting quickly somehow, such as changing its physical momentum or accounting for a change in situation. [i]Range[/i]: A-E. Represents a combination of the range of a Stand’s manifestation area, ability influence, and spatial mobility. Typically, but not always, inversely proportional to Power - generally speaking, a low-Range Stand might only act within as little as a couple of meters of the user before losing power exponentially, whilst a high-Range Stand might be able to function hundreds or even thousands of meters away from the user without any loss in effectiveness at all. [i]Staying[/i]: A-E. A.K.A. Durability. Represents a combination of a Stand’s physical durability, susceptibility to damage and attacks, and its drain on the user’s stamina if relevant. For reference, most Stands that lack a body or are bound to the user or another object will have an A rank in Staying, representing the strength of their binding to the appropriate canvas. [i]Precision[/i]: A-E. Represents a Stand’s physical accuracy and focus, as well as how effective their abilities are against specific targets rather than groups. A low-Precision Stand may or may not be good at targeting crowds, but will likely lack the ability to strike a particular point or utilise its ability on the same target repeatedly nonetheless, and it will have trouble with agility too if its Speed or Range are also low. [i]Learning[/i]: A-E. A.K.A. Developmental Potential. Represents a Stand’s ability to improve its current parameters and abilities, as well as its potential to develop new abilities with practice. Generally speaking, this has some connection to the user’s own mentality to a greater extent than other parameters: low-Learning Stands have either discovered most or all of their potential via the user’s own experience and training, or simply couldn’t make much or any extra progress to begin with, often but not always as a result of how the user’s psyche functions. [b]Stand Description[/b]: Describe the Stand’s appearance and personality (if any) here, including any physical quirks it might have, and how much independence and self awareness it has. Most Stands lack their own personality, being adept representations of the user’s psyche already, but some situations can lead a Stand to be more of an individual than usual; if you’re unsure, feel free to ask me about it. [b]Power Description[/b]: Describe the ability of the Stand as completely as possible, including an example of how its power may function against its intended targets and its weaknesses. Bear in mind that whilst exceptionally powerful abilities will be vetoed outright, most battles in JJBA are decided based on who is the more creative fighter, and thus I am more likely to allow powers with many creative uses. You may also name the ability itself if you so choose, with or without 「hook brackets」 encasing it. [b]Other:[/b] Anything else that may optionally be worth noting about the Stand, including what the Stand’s name and the name of its ability references. [/hider]