[@Doc Doctor] “Life is a miracle, Donny.” Fanny replied while cracking her knuckles, “Next time you find yourself in front of a mirror, consider that you’re looking at a miracle.” She then watches with brow raised, and a little smirk, at the coin circle her and come to rest on the floor. With a little snuff, she stoops down and plucks it up before using her thumb to flick it in Donny’s direction. Time then seems to slow down, the coin moving in slow motion as it flips towards him and she starts answering his question, though her words aren’t effected by the slowing of time. Only the coin is affected. “Faith. The substance of things hoped for, the evidence things not seen.” She said. The coin reached the height of its arced trajectory to Donny. “What man or woman is so sure of the unseen that faith can be considered anything more than hope?” The coins arrives within grasping range of Donny as she finishes her response: “It’s an insult to childlike purity. Lost are the days when I even had a heart to expect real faith from people.” As the coin reaches its destination, whether Donny catches it or not, the door to the room suddenly opens with a sharp sound, like air escaping a puncture in a tyre. In the same moment the laser sensors shut down as the turrets go offline. Four armed Quatis security officers storm into the room but stop just inside the doorway. Behind them, Donny, if he’s paying attention, can see the metal crate Fanny had mentioned in the other room. She hadn’t been lying. Two of Quatis security, however, now stopped in their tracks, take aim with their rifles at Fanny May. The other two take aim at Donny. “Who the fuck are you?!” One of the officers yell out, but the question wasn’t directed at Donny, but Fanny instead. It was clear they didn’t recognize her or even know why she was in that room. In an immediate response, Fanny throws up her arms in shrug-like fashion and laughs while saying; “Well boys, you got me good!” “Get down on the floor!” The same officer yelled at her and took a step closer to her. “Settle down, my son.” She replied in a calm and unperturbed voice. She then looks at Donny with a wink. “Have faith in yourself, then maybe you can find faith in another.” With those words spoken, the same Quatis officer as before started repeating his previous order, but his words were cut off when he saw Fanny vanish. She vanished with no sign of light, no tell-tale sign that she had any assistance from technology. She just blinked from existence. In the wake of her absence, the device that had been on her wrist fell to the floor in front of Donny. “What the hell is going on here - fuck!” Another officer exclaimed, utterly confused by what was taking place. Then, defying their own apprehension of the current turn of events, the two officers covering Donny spilt up, one rushing around to Donny’s left, the other remaining to Donny’s Right, while the other two officer quickly turned their attention to Donny as well. One stayed in front of Donny, the other moved around behind him. The one to Donny’s left then started barking orders at him: “Remain in your seat, you son of a bitch! One false move and you die!” “You’re being transferred!” the first officer adds. “Escort is on its way – you will not resist if you know what’s god for you!” He then lifts his rifle to speak into the device on his wrist: “Head command, send backup! There’s some strange-ass shit going on down here!” Each of the four officers are suited in jumpsuits. They each hold a rifle similar to the one Dino Gavon and his had held. They are not wearing head gear. They all were devices on their wrists. They all have 6 inch combat knives sheathed on their belts. They are all standing just over a meter form Donny’s position. The door to the room remains open. As the first of the officers is still in the middle of calling for backup, and although she can no longer be seen, Donny hears the voice of Fanny whisper in his ear: “Dorsin ost Halit, my gifted one.” [hr] [@Metatrooper] Fanny seemed amused, softly snickering as the event with the Forte took place, or maybe her reaction to the destructing of the Rodia ship had lightly impressed her. “Oof!” She declared in a childlike manner when the Tempest jumped to Hyperspace. “You’re sure taking your chances here, buddy! But it sure is exciting stuff!” She polished off her beer and tossed the bottle to the side before Meta grabbed her by the arm to drag her away. Being forcefully ushered by Meta to the Bridge changed her mood, however. Her lips puckered sideways in a distasteful fashion while her eyes turned down to the grip he had on her arm. Released from his grip on the bridge, she sighed. She was no longer wearing glasses. She bit her lip for a second, then rolled her eyes as if she had remembered something unimportant before she finally replied; “You’ve always used your brain a little more than most probably should. What ever happened to that sweet little kid I once knew?” She holds up a fresh bottle of beer, unopened, and offers it to him. “I tell ya what…” As she is now talking her expression changes to a serious glare at Meta, while her voice gradually changes to that of a masculine, though soothing and yet profoundly persuasive tone. While this happening, her skin darkens to a deep shade of brown while her eyes begin to radiate a soft, white glow. “…you take off that head gear and have a sip of this beer, and I’ll reveal some things you might like to know.” [hr] [@CmdrAlfieq][@Quote5] Fanny gives Junior a look of light admiration, then focuses on the commander with a smile of courteousness, not sincerity. She says: “We all have our views on what is wrong or right, despite what our intuition tells us, even if those intuitions contradict what our mind tells us. Isn’t that so, Commander? So, allow me to rephrase the question….” Fanny now has fresh beers in her hand, one in her left, the other in her right. Where they came from isn’t known. They are just there. She offers the one in her right hand to the commander, and adds; “Dorsin ost Halit, Commander; what exactly are your intentions for the activities taking place on that planet you call your own?” [hr] [@jorcool] The small ship hadn’t extended the arms of its landing gears. Once placed on the floor of the hangar it does so, raising the body of the ship as the task force assemble in preparation for the worst. A silent moment passes before the door of the ship opens, making hardly a sound as it lifts to grant exit to the person inside and a series of stepping platforms extend to the floor of the hangar. A young woman then emerges from within. She has green eyes, brown shoulder length hair and is clothed in a loose fitting yellow and pink summer dress, hardly the attire to be expected from someone stepping off of any sort of space craft. She looks around at the task force, quickly absorbs the outlay of the hangar, and then descends the stairs calmly to the hangar floor. She gives a warm smile to the armed troops, visibly unfettered by the weapons pointed at her. Lifting her voice, she addresses everyone present: “I would like to meet the man whose decision it was to save me and…” She glances down at herself, “…the seed growing inside me.”