I figure that Roan would be very happy with the way things turned out. Sad that he can't be there to help in a corporeal way, but alas, people die in our thread, don't they? xD See, that's something I've been thinking about as I've been writing. I mean, they're still kids relatively speaking(Ari's, what, 22? 23? And Yerbol is 25) and I sort of feel like they were "cheated" out of a normal existence; then again, I guess we could argue that our characters didn't have much of a choice considering that they were sort of guided by the Force to be where they are now. Needless to say, I think we'll need to build in a timelapse where they DO get a few years off. But to more pressing matters: -When do you want to get to Alderaan? I can transition in the next post, you can transition or I can do it in the post after and so on. Up to you :) -I feel like Yerbol would gravitate more towards Malu quite simply because she's less of a "black and white" kind of a person(Cheriss strikes me as a very left-brained, matter of fact person). I'll throw a scene in there with him and Malu talking once they get to Alderaan if you want Ari to join. For a Friday, work has picked up! I think I might be on a M-Th posting schedule for the foreseeable future. Have a great weekend and see you Monday! :)