When the alarms went off the Nikolaev knew one of them had initiated the break out plan, which was simple break out and do as much damage as possible. Nikita made numerous replicants of herself that overwhelmed Dr. Galliard. They held him down while another free the Progenitor. They strapped the good doctor down in the chair. "Dr. Galliturd time for you to experience your own medicine." Nikita and all but one of the replicants left their room. Nikolaev waited for a guard to check on her to make sure she didn't escape. She hid behind a digital construct making it look like she was dead. When the guard went to check on her 'corpse' she lunged from behind her door with a digital knife and stabbed him over and over and over and over and over again. Nadusha sat calmly in her seat when an orderly came in. She sat there and didn't visually appear to respond to his entrance at all, but the orderly suddenly collapsed to his knees & started screaming in pain. "Free me or the pain will spread from your balls to every part of your body. If it reaches your brain it will never end it will become permanent." The orderly painfully stood up and freed Nadusha. She snapped his neck. The three sisters met. "My replicants are spreading out and killing anyone who works here. One has the doctor and torturing him." Nikita pulled out the doctor's keycard . "So let's go free the rest and burn the place to the ground."