[Center][color=f49ac2][h2][b]Millie[/b][/h2][/color][/center] Millie scowled as her home on wheels trundled along toward the village as she had been directed. She was mumbling to herself as the wagon swayed. She could just barely be heard above the clopping hooves of her two draft horses. [color=f49ac2][b]“Ach – what sort of a stupid name…? Damn spirit of the gods be right fooked in the head, he is. Man Person Thing. Bossing a woman about. Asking her to go right into the hands of danger.”[/b][/color] Behind her a small window slide open and a pair of brown eyes stared at her. [color=f49ac2][b]“What do you want Girl Child?”[/b][/color] the woman asked gently, the scowl disappearing from her face. The child’s brow knit in concern and she made a movement like playing a flute. Millie stiffened. [color=f49ac2][b]“Aye, yes lassie I be damn pissed about this. Fool be askin’ me to put you and Kitty in danger. I tell you, if he were a might few inches shorter I woulda smacked him up the head with the fryin’ pan. Damn all to the eggs and bacon.”[/b][/color] Girl Child grinned and Millie wondered if the hot frying pan would have really done any damage. [color=f49ac2][b]“I tell you my darlin’ love, don’t be meddlin’ in the affairs of –“[/b][/color] Whatever she was going to say was stopped by the sun turning a strange color and the sounds of a village under attacked met her ears. Millie pulled up the horses and climbed down from the driver’s seat. “Girl Child,” she called. She hopped out of the carriage and ran up to Millie, grasping her hand nervously. Millie smoothed the girl’s gentle waves. [color=f49ac2][b]“I want you to stay with One and Two,”[/b][/color] she indicated the two horses. [color=f49ac2][b] “And if anyone besides me be comin’ toward you, high tail it outta here.”[/b][/color] The girl nodded and clambered up into the driver’s seat. Millie started walking toward the village, cautious. A large dusty looking white tiger hopped out of the back of the wagon and caught up to her. [color=f49ac2][b]“You should stay with Girl Child,”[/b][/color] she told the cat. He said nothing and merely padded along side her. She rolled her eyes. [color=f49ac2][b]“Can’t be tellin’ a cat nothin’.” [/b][/color] She thought she saw a glimmer of a smirk in Kitty’s eyes. When she reached the town, it was all in chaos. She sucked in a breath as she saw a mother drown her babe in a horse trough. What in the name of the seven senses was going on here? She rushed forward in an attempt to save the child. The woman back handed Millie and it was apparent it was too late to save the babe. As Millie took a few steps back, rubbing her cheek, the woman advanced with her hands outstretched. Kitty pounced on her, knocking her down. He then bit her neck, snapping it like a twig. Millie turned her attention to the village again and began to wade her way through dead bodies and violence. [color=f49ac2][b]“I swear,”[/b][/color] she mumbled darkly, [color=f49ac2][b]“If I see that good fer nuthin Chaos Trickster I be havin’ a few words to box his ears with.”[/b][/color] Finally, she saw what she was looking for. A ridiculously tall man. She had been told he was tall. She had trouble imagining anything otherwise due to her short stature. But this man was a giant. Millie dodged around a puddle of blood and sick and came to stand beside him. [color=f49ac2][b]“Holy Mother of Tits what be happenin’ here, Turkey?” [/b][/color] That was the man’s name, right? Probably not. Whatever MPT had said it was there was no way she was going to remember it. [color=f49ac2][b]“Where be the others?”[/b][/color] [@Fetzen]