Kai had expected at least [i]some[/i] form of praise from Cielle, or a 'good job, Kai' would've sufficed. To his surprise - which shouldn't have been the case - Kai received none of that. In its stead, however, had been the sounds of a creature that would, in just moments after hearing it, being the horse that Princess Anna had taken off on. And like since he has met her, instead of giving him the praise that Kai felt he was entitled to, she decided to tackle on whatever obviously more important issues were at hand. It wasn't like he was asking for her to be his servant, serving him grapes while fanning him with a big leaf fan - though it was a nice thought. He just wanted some kind of recognition. This really bothered Kai. Even as Cielle would start talking about how that was Anna's horse and how the princess lacked fighting capabilities, Kai was looking at her with the most bratty pout. Cielle didn't notice it because she was more concerned with what Kai [i]should've[/i] been focusing on too. Despite that, he couldn't bring himself to take his mind off of what Cielle never gave him. When he had his mind stuck on something, especially as bothersome as Cielle not giving him props (or taking credit for something that she should've), Kai was more stubborn than a donkey. When Cielle finished and turned to face Kai, she would see his pout. [color=20b2aa]"You're seriously not going to say anything about what I just did? I listened to what you said! And you're not even going to take pride in that you were right and I was wrong?!"[/color] Kai raised his voice just a few levels. As far as Cielle was concerned, Kai wasn't too happy with her at this moment.