[h1]Dido[/h1] [b]Queen of Carthage[/b] [b]Forest Outskirts, Near Foreigners' Lowlands[/b] Something was wrong. There was something nearby, a servant. Were they trying to hide? Surely they knew that wouldn't work right? Avenger wasn't sure what the other servant wanted, but it couldn't be good. If something was going to happen, she'd be able to see it though. Using her future sight, she could see not just the attack, but where it came from. That didn't matter at this moment though. The explosion was trouble, for her master. There wasn't time for words, only actions. Avenger had to protect her master, so she grabbed Christopher and pulled him in tight against her and shielded him with her body and flame. Christopher would be safe. [@BlueHelix] [@ManyThings]