The setting of this will start off in college. Each person who decides to enter this universe with us will be invited to college in New York for whatever reason. You can decide where and how you got your spider powers. Along with your spider powers you may choose a mutation, to give an example my character also has a mutation where he can produce glycol and a form a liquid nitrogen as a complex compound that keeps his body cool but also protects it from freezing. This mutation does not have to be complex and it could be something unrelated to a spider but it must not interfere with your spider powers. If you don't wish to have a mutation that is fine but if you have questions feel free to ask. Some rules: PM me if you have issues with someone, if I'm not around them a co-gm would be next in command. No meta gaming or god modding. DO NOT move someone else with out their permission. If you are stalled from posting due to interactions with someone that hasn't posted with in a week of their post without reason then move along. Lastly if you wanna play an overly aggressive character do us all a favor and try not to distract from the main narrative. It's fine to have conflict but keep it moving. Lastly if anyone causes issues you will be warned and then banned if it continues. If anyone wants to play a villain you will be subject to restraint and edits if I see it is what is needed. So as for the CS. A couple of things. No one can do symbiotes right now. You may come for a different Earth. Mutants are a thing so you could have been a mutant before you got spider powers. It's up to you have you get that to work out. [hider=CS] Name: Age: Appearance: Background: Hero name: Costume: Powers:You will have the basics. If you one one of those can be greater than the rest or you can make the mutation work with one of them to heighten it. Super Strength Speed and Agility Spider Sense Durability Accelerated Healing Mutation: [/hider]