If I were further along with my Batman story and were finishing the season with even half of my arcs done, I've made it no secret that I'd be throwing in an application for Daredevil. But I haven't, the season's gonna be over next month, and I still have too many stories to tell with Bruce. So on a personal level alone, I couldn't rightly endorse a second character slot anytime soon. Getting Byrd and Morden in as co-writers was the only way that I could keep The Surfer arc going. As a GM, however, I feel obligated to take any and all opinions on the subject into consideration before making a final decision. If a decent argument could be made to allow them, I might be able to be swayed. But I don't think Morden's point is really arguable, right now. We're still too fresh of a game, and with the season's end looming and the beginning of Year Two right around the corner, it still feels too early. I doubt that'll change in a few weeks' time. Now, opening up villain PCs for Year Two is something I'm a little more willing to engage. It'd require that already committed players drop their characters, but I do understand that not everyone thrives on playing a good guy. Though, I also get that committed villains are a rare commodity in these games. But yeah. Those are my thoughts. No official decree or anything, but I definitely lean towards supporting Morden's opposition. We're doing good, and we have to preserve that. If that means letting concepts for other characters go in favor of a singular focus, so be it. You gotta be able to commit to making concepts stick, and that starts with what you got.