[quote=@Retired]I think Morden nailed it on the head when he said that historically, evidence shows that additional POVs are too tempting for too little yield. It's the same thing I said a little over a month ago when I brought it up. It distracts from constant posting in the majority of cases and encourages players to divide their attention. All of which easily sends us tumbling down the usual hole of players backing out, unable to commit to the deadline, or holding up other players. And subsequently leading to the death of the game. And, really, why do we need that? Aside from people having other concepts they want to try out, what real purpose does it serve in this game to allow secondary characters in the future? [/quote] At the end of the day it depends on how many players we have and how much time they have to commit to different concepts. But at the end of the day, we're in this to test out concepts in a quasi-concurrent fanfiction enviroment. This isn't a linear RP where stalls with other characters endanger the RP's momentum in quite the same way. I don't disagree with you and Morden in that it divides player attention – but eventually players are going to have divided attention anyway. What's stopping people from doing other RP's if they are disallowed from experimenting? I already have a large schedule when it comes to hobby writing so I won't be doing it, but just like food for thought. This game has the momentum we didn't have in other games, not because we are limited to one character (though I'm not ruling it out as a contributing factor) but rather we were missing marque members of the Hype and RPG community that made these games work in 2013 and earlier. We've never really respected the games to give the time it needed outside of very few exceptions. Again, I'm not saying open up the concept of secondary characters [i]now[/i] or even in October. But supporting the playerbase and their expressive want to experiment is probably a good idea in the end run. I'm just not convinced that secondary characters or villain POVs is a bad idea in itself. It's just timing, motivation, and dumb luck. We've just had a long run of unfortunate consequences in the past.