[@King Cosmos] On its own, the metal doors slid open, ominously inviting the two inside. [@Shadow Dragon][@Strong Potato][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Karkinos] As his iron cudgels flew in a flurry of swift strikes whose' power could match the deadliest tornadoes, Mikkish was too blinded by the fun he was having to notice the tallest undead in the area raising a rocket launcher. This 'zombie' wasn't a zombie at all. It was some abomination made in a lab from the remains of a human and ungodly experiments. It's eyes weren't eyes, but computer sensors, which zeroed in on the handsome blonde man on his killing spree. [i]"Threat Level"[/i] The sensors read [i]"Very High"[/i] And with that, Nemesis released the exploding projectile from the canon slung over his shoulder, barely missing Mikkish but hitting close enough that the resulting blast threw him a short distance. Landing on his feet, though clumsily, Mikkish looked where the shot had some from. This...big zombie looked familiar. As Mikkish' attention was on Nemesis, however, he was snapped out of his thoughts as a zombie bit into his shoulder. It didn't last long, however, as his other fist slammed into the zombies face so hard, all that was left of it's head was the lower part of the jaw and set of teeth. Last Mikkish checked, mages were immune to most infections and viruses, and the pain didn't bug him, so he immediately shrugged it off and threw the mace at Nemesis. While it hit Nemesis with great force, Nemesis barely jogged his head, and started loading for another shot.