[h2]Announcements[/h2] 18/08/18 • IC is up 03/08/18 [hider=On the Cthulu mythos]After some deliberation, I've decided that you can't namedrop any sort of creature in the Cthulu mythos. The reasoning for this is that cosmic horrors aren't exactly the type of horror I want to go for. Lovecraftian monsters are often unstoppable forces and the sole reason why humans haven't been completely wiped out is that the monsters are either sleeping or don't even notice humans. When I used the term eldritch abomination, I was more referring to the tone and thematics of the creatures. Not actually having monsters from the Cthulhu mythos. Remember, Yog Sothothery is an primarily an attitude of cosmic irrelevance. Using it as a backdrop to stage Ultralight feels that it will outshine practically every other element, especially the conspiracy bits. This isn't to say that I preclude the usage of Lovecraftian works. You are free to use ideas and stories from Lovecraft to make a more grounded version of them. For instance, Hounds of Tindalos that hunt through the angles of time are extremely esoteric. Rather, an indescribable beast that only those on psychedelic drugs* will ever encounter? That works considerably well and adds a new element to it. Nobody is actually sure if they exist, they still exist outside of the boundaries of human knowledge, but most importantly, I don't have to fuck around with time travel at all. [sup]*Time travel is done via psychedelics and esoteric artifacts in the Cthulu mythos[/sup][/hider]