[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180707/711970d4fbb4935693b487b8a5d5bcbc.png[/img] [img]http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1006153052833841152/9tudFsEk_400x400.jpg[/img] [img]https://openclipart.org/image/2400px/svg_to_png/226298/up-divider.png[/img][/center] At her words, Archer had made a face at Marisol, who replied with a chuckle. And when the taller guy let her know she was the only prince he needed, the girl’s mouth spread out into a wide grin. [color=brown]“Damn right I am. I’ll make all your dirtiest dreams come true, baby,”[/color] she told Archie with a fake seductive male voice, shooting him a wink and a kiss. Before Archer could reply to her teasing comment, a familiar male voice spoke up about the events that had recently transpired in the school parking lot. [i][color=#851309]"Johnny-boy being a dramatic dick, as usual? It's too early in the morning [b]and[/b] in the school year for that shit."[/color][/i] [color=brown]“FINALLY!!! [i]Someone[/i] who agrees with me!”[/color] Marisol exclaimed, raising her hands in the air in a sign of celebration. [color=brown]“[i]Thank you[/i], Van. I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it,”[/color] she told the newcomer, fist-bumping him before shooting Archer an ‘I told you so’ look. [color=brown]“Make sure to tell our buddy Archer here that a few extra times to see if it’ll finally get through that thick-ass skull of his.”[/color] Whether Kavan repeated his statement or not Mari would never know. Just then, Airi Price made their way towards them, the widest of grins on her face. [color=brown]“S’up, Sushi?”[/color] Marisol greeted with a nod the one was perhaps her only female friend in the Universe. [color=brown]“The fuck took you so long?”[/color] [i][color=8C1FB8]"Hey, sorry I'm late and that I smell like five guys, I got real hungry."[/color][/i] Mari waved a dismissive hand. [color=brown]“Dude, don’t apologize. I get it. Food goes-”[/color] Before she could say anything else, the girls were interrupted by some random Asian chick calling out Airi’s name and running towards them. The brunette raised a questioning eyebrow at her, silently wondering who the fuck she was and what the fuck could she want with any of them. Her questions were answered when Airi grinned at the Asian and pointed at her neck, and the girl in question pulled out the school tie and began to tie it around her neck while engaging in conversation. [i]"[color=FBB32D]I could make this real tight you know,[/color]"[/i] Marisol heard the unknown girl say to Airi at one point, and the suggestive grin that immediately spread on her face could be seen from a mile away. [color=brown]“Fuck, that’s kinky. I dig that gay shit,”[/color] Sol muttered to Archer with her tongue sticking out. She sobered up when the girl finished tying up Airi’s tie and both females turned in their direction. [i][color=8C1FB8]"This is Grace, by the way. Best person. She's been putting up with my shit for years."[/color][/i] Sushi said with a chuckle. This Grace chick replied with a small wave. [i]"[color=FBB32D]Nice to meet you.[/color]"[/i] Marisol had opened her mouth to reply when a grumpy voice called out: [i][color=darkorange]“You guys really suck. You kept me waiting for a whole five minutes.”[/color][/i] [color=brown]“Yes, good morning to you too, Sunshine,”[/color] Marisol replied, sticking her tongue out and smirking at the young man in response to his stink-eye. Most people would find Sonny Drake’s abrasive comments and overall persona obnoxious, annoying and overall just difficult to deal with. In fact, that was indeed the general sentiment that the majority of the school population shared. But when you were raised alongside the dumbass, you got to see him in ways nobody else would. In the eighteen years she had known him, Marisol knew that if you looked past his bad-boy attitude, Son really was a cool dude. Not that long ago, Sol had wished that more people got the chance to get to know her best friend better instead of making assumptions based on brief interactions. But after the events of that summer? Mari wanted nothing more than to keep the Sonny she knew a secret to everybody else. [color=brown]“Behave, Dipshit,”[/color] Marisol warned Sonny with a teasing smirk, punching him lightly in the arm. Little did he know about the raging battle going on insider her since that fateful night on July the Fourth. She hoped it stayed that way. [color=brown]“Too early to get under people’s skin. At least give us till like lunch, k?”[/color] [i][color=9AC667]“That must've felt like five hours for you.”[/color][/i] [color=brown]“Hey there, J,”[/color] Marisol greeted Jun, bumping fists with one fifth of The Misfits and smirking at the thought of the upcoming back-and-forth that would be happening between the Asian boy and Sonny. Out of the five members of the infamous clique, Jun was perhaps the most harmless of them all. Although sarcastic and quick to make fun of others, he did so in a way that was meant to be funny instead of offensive or insulting. In all honesty, he amused Mari, and wasn’t half-bad to stare at... Not that she would ever think about him like that, of course. [i][color=35996B]“Ey Mari! We need to book it if we want to make it to English!”[/color][/i] In regular circumstances, Marisol would have told Archer to fuck English, and that Gomez could suck her dick if he had anything to say about them being late. But today seemed to be a day of exceptions, because the young woman grasped at the lifeline her best friend had just inadvertently thrown at her. She [i]needed[/i] to get Archer in private before she would explode. [color=brown]“As much as I would love to stay and chat, there’s some gay-ass shit I need to talk to Arch about, so I’ll catch you guys at lunch,”[/color] the green-eyed girl told Sonny and Jun, sliding off the Saab’s trunk. She then turned to Airi and Grace. [color=brown]“Sush, I’ll catch up with you at The Shack after school. Gracie, nice to meet you, dude.”[/color] Finally, Marisol turned to Kavan. [color=brown]“Van, my man, sorry to take Archie away from ya, but I’m sure he’ll catch up with you somehow, k? See ya around. And keep the hair and liner, dude. Makes you look real good.”[/color] With one last wave to the group, Marisol linked Archer’s arm with her own and dragged the taller guy away. Only when she was certain the others were out of earshot did the young woman finally speak. [color=brown]“Arch, I know you’re going to kill me… But there’s something I need to talk to you about.”[/color]