[hider=Citizen Cold][center][u][b]Player Name:[/b][/u] Double [u][b]Primary Character:[/b][/u] Citizen Cold (Formerly Captain Cold) [u][b]Secret Identity:[/b][/u] Leonard Snart "Old" Friends usually called him Len "New" Friends tend to call him Leo And a mix of both often just call him Snart [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] JLU. Was rejected twice before they finally let him in, and even then, Batman said he was a "Probationary" Member. It's like they don't trust him or something. [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 30 [u][b]City:[/b][/u] Central City, primarily. But he roams from time to time so he might pop up in other places on occasion. [u][b]Day Job:[/b][/u] Unfortunately there aren't really any jobs out there for former career thieves. It's part of the reason Snart drifts around from time to time. [b][u]Powers:[/u][/b] None [u][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/u] Take away the tech and Snart's just a human being. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] What Snart lacks in powers he easily makes up for in Skills and Gadgets. [b]Cold Gun[/b] - A weapon of Snart's invention. It's a gun powered by cyclotron able to produce cold and ice beams of varying sizes and power. He possess two of them. With them he can fire beams that freeze targets, create cold fields that can stop people within them in their tracks, and even a more sadistic beam that freezes body but prevents it from going numb to dull the pain. [b]Cold Grenade[/b] - An explosive weapon, similar in function to the Cold Guns, but intended for wider areas of effect. [b]Thieving Skills[/b] - It's no surprise a former career criminal like Snart has practically mastered various skills related to the craft. Be it lockpicking, safecracking, even scaling walls and avoiding detection. Granted, he's no ninja, but he's not an amateur either. [b]Unarmed Fighting[/b] - While obviously not the same level as Batman or others, Snart is no slouch when it comes to combat either. [b]Tactician[/b] - While he won't be taking on Batman in a game of chess anytime soon, Snart was once the leader of The Rogues for a reason. His plans were often the best-made ones, and his tactics against superhero enemies often the most most effective. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/9f55/th/pre/f/2017/067/2/1/captain_cold__earth_27__commission_by_phil_cho-db1dxo1.jpg[/img] [u][b]BRIEF Bio:[/b][/u] To make a long story short, Leonard Snart and his sister Lisa were raised in an abusive home. Leonard at first found solace with his grandfather who owned and operated an ice truck. But when his grandfather passed, Leonard had had enough of his abusive father and ran away. This led to a life of crime and thievery, where Leonard quickly took the lead in a small five-man team of thieves. Their planned crime spree was cut a bit short due to superhero interference, but Leonard managed to escape capture. Deciding that he need to upgrade himself to keep up with the Metas, Snart stole a shipment of cyclotron and then designed his first Cold Gun. He dubbed himself Captain Cold and the rest was history, as it were. Sometime later, Cold discovered that his estranged sister Lisa had also found a life of crime. He tried to convince her to go straight at first, but she simply retorted by pointing out that Len was also a criminal and even abandoned her to endure their father's abuses alone to boot. They parted ways again, Lisa having donned the identity of Golden Glider and performing risky heists with her partner, a man called Chillblaine. But Lisa was later killed by her own partner during a heist gone wrong. When news reached Len, he teamed up with his former partner Heat Wave, and the duo hunted down and eventually killed Chillblaine to avenge Lisa's death. It was the first and only time Leonard had ever gone against his self-imposed code to never kill anyone. And it was enough that he hung up the mantle for a time, attempting to go straight. But with no one willing to hire him due to a criminal past, the next best thing Leonard could do was take up the mantle again, but this time he would do it in the name of justice. He had hard time convincing anyone from the Justice League that he was serious about going straight. In fact, most of them still don't trust him. He happened to be in Metropolis on the day Doomsday attacked, and while Cold was smart enough not to pick a fight with him, he helped a few people wherever he could. That was apparently enough to convince Batman of all people that Snart really was trying to turn over a new leaf. Batman let him join the League, but made it clear that Snart would be on some kind of probation until he "proved himself" to the rest of the League. But old habits tend to die hard, and is not helped by the fact that his old friend and partner Heat Wave is still at large, along with plenty of other former Rogues that might not be too happy with Leonard switching sides. [u][b]Supporting Characters:[/b][/u] Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - Deceased Mick Rory (Heat Wave) Digger Harkness (Captain Boomerang) Owen Mercer (Captain Boomerang II) [u][b]Secondary Character:[/b][/u] [hider=Heat Wave] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/a/a6/Flashpoint_Legion_of_Doom_Vol_1_1_Textless.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110614070005[/img] Mick Rory has been a pyromaniac since he set fire to his family home as a young teen. He spent most of his childhood bouncing around between foster homes and Juvie Halls and in his adult years, not much changed, simply exchanging Juvie Halls for jailhouses and prison incarcerations. During one particular incarceration in Iron Heights, Rory met a new cellmate named Leonard Snart. The two became quick friends in prison, watching each others' backs against the other inmates and during prison riots. Soon Len let Rory in on a little secret. It turned out that Snart's imprisonment in Iron Heights was actually part of a plan, apparently he allowed himself to be arrested because the warden carried something he was hired to steal. He handed Rory a lighter he had smuggled in and just told him to create some chaos. Rory obliged, and in the ensuing chaos Snart stole the package he was after and the two managed to make their daring escape from Iron Heights. They stuck together after that, Leonard making Rory a pair of flame-shooting guns and from then on Mick Rory was known as Heat Wave. Heat Wave and Captain Cold were like a villainous dynamic duo after that, Rory's more destructive nature being a natural compliment to Snart's more calculating nature. When his partner's sister was backstabbed and murdered by her own partner, Heat Wave was eager to help Cold get his revenge. But then Snart just... left after that. And to make matters worse, the next time he surfaced, Cold had even gone straight. But his joining the Justice League was the final nail in the coffin, the thing that finally made Heat Wave truly consider his former partner an enemy. He took Cold's turn to heroism as a personal betrayal, and is becoming increasingly eager to either pull him back to the "right" side or - failing that - watch him burn.[/hider] [u][b]Additional Notes:[/b][/u] The basic idea is that Snart is trying to go legit. This could end either with him fully joining the League or with him being unable to gain their trust and possibly end up back with the Rogues.[/center][/hider]