[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwYTAwMC5WR2hsSUVwdmRYSnVaWGtnUW1WbmFXNXouMQ,,/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vg3Ydu_3KzAHQbh7UDnham1Hqqcof4lMH6NVXx4Cy_w/https/2.bp.blogspot.com/-CcYd8Jyz1Wo/WSKo-e7PrwI/AAAAAAAAB8I/cS3z2Cy0trsxpoo0rf0IB4LvgujiljX-gCLcB/s1600/bard%2Band%2Brobin.jpg?width=489&height=678[/img][/center] [hr] The gentle shake of the carriage was almost soothing to the young bard as he sat on its tail. Tuning his instrument, Zachary looked up to the retreating landscape behind the cart. Lush trees rolled across the hills, mountaintops were barely visible, dust softly rose out off of the trail; the trip ahead was looking to be both scenic and peaceful. Zachary sighed as he leaned back onto a barrel whilst working on the strings. "[color=Yellow]Are things going alright back there?[/color]" a voice called out from the front. Zachary turned his head with a smile and responded. [color=Gold]"[i]¡Sí, mucho![/i]"[/color] he called back. "[color=Gold]How much longer until we get to the port, [i]amigo[/i]?[/color]" The carriage hit a bump and the cargo, barrels and Zachary included, levitated briefly before landing back down. "[color=Yellow]Just another hour or two depending on how many more of those bumps we run into![/color]" the driver bellowed, following it with a hearty laugh. Zachary chuckled in response and returned to his instrument. It wasn't but a few minutes before Zachary had finally tuned his guitar. "[color=Gold]Ah, [i]es justo[/i], perfect indeed![/color]" the bard spoke in jubilee. As his bird companion fluttered down from his hat to the end of his guitar [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M9Puanhdac]he started to play his music[/url]. He speechlessly played his song with joyful demeanor with his bird tweeting its own lyrics along with the tune. "[color=Yellow]So that instrument wasn't just for show I see![/color]" the coachman called back. Zachary did not verbally respond this time. Why would anyone carry such an intricate device without intending to play it? Instead he smiled even wider, holding the melody as the carriage continued onward towards Port Sesta.