Sniveling creature. The droid beings sliped back into the living halls and disappeared into darkness. Yet, glowing eyes pierced from within. Metal men, forever there in the shadows, always observing. Liquid burst from its face, but unlike the others, not crimson. It was too soon for it to expire, usually they lasted a few weeks before succumbing to their limit. "Such frailty," the male waved his hand once more and the new suit dawned on her body receded into tattoo marks of rigid black texture that only covered her elbows, knees and spine. She was left nude except her collar. Just like his ancient predecessors, humans were found bare in a young earth, and so it was part of the natural habitat. Artificially grown trees with fruit were provided for her sustenance. From high on up in the sky a floral slit slowly opened like a giant Arum Lily. It blossomed into an organic opening slightly distorting the thin, sheet like material that projected an endless blue sky. The paradise was just an illusion. From the hole high up a multitude of shadows of inhuman shapes and sizes gawked and spoke in tongues unknown at the female. [color=fff200]"Stand."[/color] He commanded, the now 'tamer' of the earthen female intended for her to perform theatrics before the galactic crowd. Seconds became eternal, the masses quieted their rowdy noise as the woman remained in her quiet sob. [i]Insolent[/i].. [color=fff200]"Stand!"[/color] The male bore his canine teeth with a scowl. To make his race inpatient was very unwise as she would soon learn. His right knuckles cracked and visible electric arcs jumped like tiny worms between the ends of his fingertips.