[quote=@Retired] Welcome to [@Sep]'s world. [/quote] Pffft. I've written Hulk more than Flash, I think Flash and Colossus are on par. I can never get beyond Reverse Flash whenever I play the Flash though. To weigh in on second characters as I was asleep... I'd love a second character. I'd love to play Hulk... But. I personally don't think I could commit to that with my schedule, I feel like if would divide my attention away from The Flash when I'm trying my best to make her posts as interesting as possible. I'm really trying to improve my writing in this area of writing, and writing as Iris is a real eye opener that I hope you all are enjoying. I think with secondaries, you run the issue of splitting the little time some people have for one character to two characters. Which won't end well, as this season proves real life gets in the way and people can't always post once every two weeks. I gotta get up and work on an Iris post in a bit so I'll catch up on the rest of the ooc later