[color=fff200][i]What does an animal need with clothes? [/i][/color] She now stood before him as though they were equals. Begging. His face returned to a stoic expression. The male gently placed his hand on her shoulder, his eyes of golden hue locked on to hers. Silence. There was much information shared between the two beings in that moment. She, waiting for a response, and He, ready to answer. The contact was subtle, his skin on hers felt as though she was one of his own, so similar and yet.. No, there were no similarities. The female was just a simple lifeform incapable of the simplest commands he'd given. How naive he had been, against his better judgment he failed to realize the incompetence of the earthling. Her exposed nudity didn't even register, from his perspective there was an ocean of a difference in their shared likeness. Humanoidal bodies were common in the galaxy, hers was nothing special. The Aeli as a race were considered gods among the lesser beings. There was a mental barrier however. No matter how close the puny species resembled his own, they did not merit the same level of respect. There were simple animals that had somehow learned to build mud huts and invent a rudimentary speech. His fingers traced her bare shoulders softly and took their time sliding down to lay upon her waist. He pulled her close and smiled. A loud crack escaped his lips as he parted them, lightening danced inside his mouth as his palms emanated a shock through her body. He held on to her by her sides as he administered a disciplinary jolt. His eyes said it all, He was a tamer by trade and she just another prize. The crowd cheered in alien jeers and jubilence. They exalted the torture that was and even more the pain to come.