[@ZekariVoblis] Even though we are full, I was willing to give your character a chance because two people seemed like they wanted you in. However, this character falls far below my standards for a few reasons. She does not really offer anything that isn't already in the RP. we already have a psycho archetype. I'll spare explaining all the reasons why I'm very cautious about accepting such characters, but this already makes "happy psycho" an even harder pass for me. Her fighting style is one that is taken by at least two other characters in the RP. But the biggest reason why the character isn't up to snuff is because of how similar they are to [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/468868850767757314/475118140481732609/153334687861410722.png]a certain other Re:Zero character[/url]. Not just her face claim, but aspects of her personality and fighting style. Surely you can understand how this comes across as an embarrassingly lazy character submission? I'm going to declare Mikayla rejected. She could work, but would require a massive overhaul to the point where she no longer represented the character you have just presented. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say this character was made in haste to get into the RP as fast as possible, rather than the work of a hack RPer. You may try again, but I strongly recommend looking at the characters already in the RP so that you can fill a nich that isn't already filled. Also, getting creative and not ripping characters directly from Re: Zero will greatly increase your chances of being accepted.