'Wait- wait wait wait wait wait,' Sett called to the retreating bear-shifter and knight, and less so to everyone else intent on walking off, 'I'm nearly done with the ritual circle!' Indeed, he'd been quite busy indeed as the conversation had continued, and what seemed to be a surprisingly elaborate circle of runes had been scratched into the dirt outside, reading and waiting for him to speak the words to call forth the favour of the gods. More accurately, the favour of Fineki, but they didn't need to know that. Ultimately, whether or not Ursaren and Nicademus came back, Settionne would stand in the center of the circle in question, stick of fancy ritual activity raised high, and call forth as he moved in a twisting, yet measured fashion: 'Almighty gods! I beseech thee, lend me your ears! I seek out your favour, for this party of many, whose near future may well be fraught with peril; I pray that you shall offer us your blessings, that we shall be gifted your favour, and that we shall be kept safe from future harms! PLEASE, O GODS, LEND US YOUR POWER!' As he screamed this final word out, he knelt down and slammed the stick point-first into the ground dramatically, as if to truly activate the circle's power. Really, though, everything other than the circle and the fact he needed to say [i]something[/i] was pomp designed to mislead, at least to his knowledge. From what he'd been taught, the circle itself was merely a connection to Fineki, in theory conveying the general message of "please help me and the other people I have in mind with a blessing of luck" no matter how he said it; so far as Sett knew, he could literally burble out gibberish, and the circle's effects would still activate. That was, if Fineki felt like helping. The god of luck was fickle, of course, as was to be expected, and Sett fully accepted that maybe he wasn't going to offer anything at all, but... what could he say? He'd been having a streak of good luck recently. [@POOHEAD189][@Gardevoiran][@The Fated Fallen][@Fetzen][@Stormflyx][@Mortarion]