Well, the settings just meant to be a vague background that lets you get away with doing anything. I didn't want it to have any over arching rules or truths, apart from perhaps the lack of them, so I (and any writers involved) could come up with whatever they want and not have to worry about how it fits into something I came up with. The whole borders of reality being a place of constant change was inspired by the feywilds in Exalted, To put it simply, if someone wants cybernetic orcs with jet packs and sawblade launchers, it doesn't stop another one having a bunch of magically attuned Eldar god like beings doing 9-5 jobs in the hellscape of the officeorium in the same world and potentially interacting. Anyway, enough rambling, to the point. Essentially, I'd like a game where everyone is the game master. So, what kind of story do you want to write about? Rather, what kind of stories do you like, and what do you like them being about? Stuff like that that let's us establish what we want out of it, so we can achieve our desires. Personally, I would rather something focusing on 'regular' people on relatively small conflicts. None of that 'we have to save the world' kind of stuff. I think It'd allow for a greater focus on individual characters rather then who retrieved the amulet of kings. Not to say that the world being in peril can't be a backdrop, but the events in the story are more regional focused then globally, so to speak. Global issues tend to have the plot favored over characters I find. But still, depends what we want out of it, maybe you love that kind of 'war at risk' kind of thing. Something with cults/supernatural beings in conflict could be an interesting idea. Maybe they have denounced the other as whatever, and seek to purge the other? While their trying to get rid of each other, perhaps the ruling powers don't like either of them, and their trying to remove the other whilst staying in the good graces of authority? Maybe it could focus on the authorities themselves trying to rid one of the cults. Those are just some off the top of my head. Anything on your end?