“Yes!” Sarah’s excitement seemed to match Prompto’s as she hurried over to Gladiolus and began adjusting the straps on his saddle. The man seemed to know what he was doing so it only made sense to try to get him comfortable. Especially if his ankle was going to act up during the ride. “Make sure you take it easy on this ankle.” She said pointing towards the foot she had just helped into the stirrup. “Control with your thighs not with your ankles and that will help. Don’t worry you got yourself a good girl, she’ll listen.” As she said that the chocobo he climbed on would listen to him, a squawk of disapproval echoed through the area and her head jerked towards the sound, Prompto yelped in surprise and she shook her head. “May not him. He’s feisty unless you want to try to get him to listen to you we might want to put you on another chocobo.” A nod rose and fell her head as she went to the prince, adjusting his straps and giving the chocobo a friendly pat. “Here I’ll use you as an example,” Her attention moved from the prince high on his mount to the two left on the ground. “Come here and watch.” A gentle gesture she brought the two over to watch what she did with the rider. “One strap in each hand, if you want to turn left pull the one in your left hand to move her head left. And the same for the right. To stop, give a gentle pull back on the straps but don’t pull high or they’ll jump. Pull the straps to your hip forcing their head down and back so they know to stop. Pulling back for a long period of time will make them walk backwards. To go, just push on their sides with your thighs, you can also use your heels but that might make them sprint and with someone having a hurt ankle it might be difficult on his ankle.” With that she stepped away from the prince and went to Ignis, giving basic instructions on how to get on the man was soon on his mount with ease. She then moved to Prompto and the rather snippy chocobo. “You sure you want to ride him?” She asked as she took a hold of the head harness and turned her attention back to Prompto with a gentle smile. “If you want to ride him that’s okay and if he goes a bit jumpy on you I can help even from my chocobo. But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by having you ride a chocobo you’re not okay with.”