[@vancexentan] [color=fff200][i][b]VERDREHTE[/b][/i][/color] The young villain was still reading and enjoying his comic when a thug came up to speak to him, "I'm the villain here, So when you are laying in a pool of your blood. I ain't going to be around to drag your ass back" He said to the thug grinning under his mask. Putting his comic away and putting on his body armor. "So what is the plan on our missions el capitán?" He said to the shadowy villain, He was not going to use a gun as he liked using hand to hand combat or melee weapons. He was curious as well about the leader's quirk or what he was all about. Although them waxing philology was quite cliche and boring, However he was going for the most part ignore Zion unless he proves "Fun".