[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/b5a6062537b9a44047fabc6d53bbac18.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/e85e32756890d66a6a4b666eb52b5b7d/tumblr_nrfha3NWJR1sim304o2_250.gif[/img] [color=deepskyblue][sub]Callum McDaniel 🌑 Nox[/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue]Location:[/color] Balcony -> Training Room [color=deepskyblue]Interacting with:[/color] Himself, Carol the AI [hr][/center] First a plane almost crash lands right into the airport and now, the Feds send babysitters after them? Cal wasn’t pleased. In fact, he was as far from pleased as you could get. As Nathaniel relayed the information concerning Hauser and his team, Cal stood, arms crossed in silent protest, his annoyance with the situation on full display. Despite that, he kept his mouth shut about it. He was still a rookie around here, but even if he hadn’t been, he still trusted Nathaniel. Call it respect or idol worship, whatever, Cal trusted him to make the right call here. He wasn’t about to argue. His mood dampened considerably, Cal turned and made his way out to the balcony, in need of some clarity. From up this high, you could see practically the entire city. Down below, people went about their days, ants trudging along their daily routine. Cal sighed. He envied them at times. What was it like to have worries that didn’t involve the entire city turning against you, or some superpowered psycho hunting down your family? Nice, probably. Cal sat down on one of the deck chairs and removed his mask, sighing as the cool breeze met the skin that had been hidden away for the past few hours. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe the Coalition did need supervision. They’d failed with the mayor. That was obvious. They’d been overconfident, unprepared. They hadn’t faced an Enhanced before, why should they have expected one then? Cal knew the answer. You expected everything, you had to, that way nothing could catch you off guard. His dad had taught him that. The young hero stood up, his melancholy and self pity shoved aside in favor of determination. He had better things to do than wallow out here, right? Grabbing his mask, he walked back inside, marching practically, and made his way to the elevator, where he went straight down. Past the multitude of floors, some empty, some housing equipment, some whose contents were unknown to Cal. When the elevator finally stopped, Cal stepped out, into a spacious room, seemingly empty save for him. The walls were some sort of metal, Cal had forgotten to ask what kind, but they were meant to take a beating. The floors were made of a similar material, probably the same type. Stylistically, it looked atrocious, but it was never meant to look good. This was a room designed for Enhanced persons, people who could wreck a normal gym with the kind of training they needed. Gritting his teeth, Cal put his mask back on, and looked up at the ceiling. [color=deepskyblue][b]“Carol, run simulation 3417A,”[/b][/color] he said, his gaze returning to the empty room before him. The calm, slightly jerky voice of a young woman answered back, Carol, the Watchtower’s helpful digital assistant. [color=slategray][b]“Running simulation 3417A.”[/b][/color] The whir of machines could be heard as piece of the left wall slid aside and allowed a [url=https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*Cbk4IRV2L58RYau65jHmfg.jpeg]faceless, pure white, automaton[/url] to walk out, into the center of the room. For a moment, Cal stood there, until suddenly, he wasn’t there anymore. He was on the rooftop of an abandoned building, and in front of him, the psychopath he and the team had faced a few days prior. The simulation was built from security camera footage, and the ones that were in most of the teams masks. It recreated the battle, but it also allowed for improvisation. The AI could act as the villain, given what it had seen him do that day. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something. And this something was gonna be the difference between last time, and the next one.