[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/1408f1332ef4e7a171462d4ccab95617.png[/img][/center][hr][right][color=gray][b]Unknown Alleyway[/b] Midday[/color][/right][hr][indent][color=52c4ff][b]"Kyu-Ri,"[/b][/color] Kyu-Ri responded, returning the smile with one of her own as she took the pistol. Kyu-Ri didn't have any formal training with firearms of any nature, but at least the female, now known as Riley, seemed friendly enough. With haste, a plan was made for them to escape through the alleyway from before. Within the alleyway, there were only two known threats (besides the clickers in the apartment complex): a pair of infected runners. The infected were distracted as they ravaged the corpse of one of the bandits, leaving Kyu-Ri an opening to climb down to the ground and make her approach. Dropping from the fire escape, Kyu-Ri waited behind a group of metal trash cans. She returned her pocket knife to her pocket momentarily, and reached for her aluminium bat that was poking out from Kyu-Ri's backpack. The bat was a strong weapon against runners, but it could only land a few blows before being dented to the point of being useless. Nonetheless, it had served Kyu-Ri well since she had found it in the few incidents she needed to use the bat. Keeping a crouch, Kyu-Ri silently approached the pair of runners from behind. Neither of the runners had looked upwards from the corpse, but taking on two infected at once was still a dangerous maneuver. The Korean needed to finish this ambush quick, and without too much noise or being mauled to death. Slipping her bat around the neck of one of the runners, Kyu-Ri yanked the infected individual towards the ground with all the might she could muster. Even in his infected state, the man was probably at least twice the size of a lightweight like Kyu-Ri, but she needed to create an opening. With one of the infected temporarily out of the way, Kyu-Ri raised her bat, smashing it into the skull of his companion before it could screech and alert the clickers in the apartment complex. Before Kyu-Ri had the chance to double-tap the infected with her bat, however, she needed to make sure the other infected was still down on the ground, which made it easier for the Korean to finish off the runner. Striking the fallen runner as it scrambled to stand, Kyu-Ri made a bloody mess of what was once a human, her bat soaked in fresh blood. Once she was finished, Kyu-Ri would go on to finish the other infected before waving Riley forward.[/indent]