[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/459180049359175681/459185994344693760/shutenbanner.png[/img] [h2]Shuten Douji, Sailing Through the Air... Again[/h2][/center] No sooner than her blade had sunk in did she hear the sound, the echoes of a single but familiar word and the air-rending sound of hurricane force winds. Rho Aias shattered and Shuten was sent tumbling into the air end over end, saved from the fatal onslaught of the new foes attack by her own slain enemies shield but not from the enormous afterblast of pure wind... And thus deprived of her meal!She shrieked in raw fury as she tumbled away end-over-end and towards the river... But she recognized that attack too, and even now as she was flung bodily through the air she was smart enough to know full well this was not something she could easily trust Orochi to deal with unsupervised. It would be better to dismiss him now than to let him be slain. "[color=9e0b0f]OTOU-SAN, AWAY![/color]" The enormous beast exploded into greasy black smoke, twisting and writhing through the air like a million tiny snakes before fading away. All that was left behind was eight little drops of Shuten's own blood, their divinity consumed by the summoning. A catalyst not entirely mundane, for it was the blood of an oni, but far less potent than if it had been straight from the source- or Orochi himself. She crashed into the water like a tiny missile, sinking nearly to the bottom of the riverbed. She would not come up, her form astralized before it ever left the water. It was time to go check up on Ana, and figure out what this new tree nonsense was about. Maybe he would have some good news to cheer her up after this awful little farce of a battle! [hr] [@vocab][@addamas][@Art of Fun]