[h2][center]Draugr[/center][/h2] [center][@Paradox Witch][/center] Beaten to the punch, unfortunate but it was a fact of life. The thing was an unidentifiable existence, completely unknown to it's Master despite his vast knowledge. But it didn't matter what it was, Tesla would send another familiar to collect the corpse later. Now all that mattered was getting the spear back from that which sought to claim it first. The draugr opened it's mouth, wider than any human jaw could ever unhinge, a metal barrel peeking out from behind it's rotting gums as it aimed directly at the familiar. Not even a moment later it fired, blasting a bolt of lightning at the thing with such force that the few remaining teeth it had rattled loose. Two more draugr jumped from the Church towards the Railyard, eager to backup their brother from the following familiars that Tesla had spotted from afar. Let the battle begin. [hr] (Ignore previous draugr post*)