[hider=al-Rashid, Afra | FE: Lost Song] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][color=#b7b7b7] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/97/67/fa/9767fa6f217527cf4afe4e6b57a16ef8.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LdE2RtC.png[/img][/center][hr] [sup][color=#fffcec]Name:[/color] [b]Afra[/b] ibn Saphar al-Rashid ('Afra, daughter of Saphar, the Rightly-Guided') [color=#fffcec]Age:[/color] 236 [color=#fffcec]Race:[/color] Laguz [color=#fffcec]Gender:[/color] Female [color=#fffcec]Affiliated Nation:[/color] Goldoa [color=#fffcec]Class:[/color] White Dragon [right][color=#fffcec]________[/color][/right][/sup] [sub][color=#fffcec]Inventory:[/color][/sub] [right][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/c/c3/FE10laguzstone.png/revision/latest?cb=20090826095136[/img][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/e/e7/FE10concoction.png/revision/latest?cb=20090826095007[/img][/right] [list][*] Bronze [color=#fffcec]upright shield[/color] with Daein painted flagship; carried on her back. [*] Laguz Stone (x2) — 3 uses each. [*] Concoction (x2) — 6 uses each. [*] Gallon jug of [color=#fffcec]beer[/color] (x2). [*] [color=#888888]No armor.[/color][/list] [hider=♢ Abilities][hr][indent] [sup]⬥ [b]half-shifting[/b] for intermittent scales, armored appendages, horns, and tail. cuts dexterity and offers only minimal defense. nonetheless, traits can manifest separately and instantaneously. ⬥ [b]full-shifting[/b] into a quadruped White Dragon form. wingless but with peak agility, resistance, and power. gains access to [b]breath[/b]. can sustain this form for upwards of ___ . ⬥ [b]dragon sense[/b] to subconsciously locate other dragon tribe laguz within a 50-meter distance.[/sup][/indent][/hider] [hr] [i][sub][center][color=#fffcec]My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt... and my breath death![/color][/center] [right]— The Hobbit or There and Back Again[/right][/sub] [/i] [sub][i][b][color=#fffcec]Personality[/color][/b][/i] —[/sub] Of silver tongue and red soul. The [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] welded from her experiences is, primarily, [b]ᴄᴏɴꜰɪᴅᴇɴᴛ[/b], believing herself gifted, of high order, and carrying herself with similar loftiness. This pride runs deep; it permits she have her own opinions separate of allegiance. The objective sort, she holds others to this as well. AFRA is far from a patriot, but nonetheless proud of her heritage. She is distasteful of disguising her attributes; when she can boast, she will. Horns never hurt anyone. The Goldoans tend to see the world in reds, whites, and blacks, to which [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] agrees and disagree. She has the speed and wit of a White Dragon but she knows dignity and personal duty like a Black Dragon. And much like a Red Dragon, she is welded hot, a tactician outside of battle but a cognoscente of it and adversity in-general. Many Goldoans fear their feral instincts; they train in half-shifting: half-measures. She may do the same, but she will assure you, when there is a time to release the dragon, she will take it. Sustaining transformation is two-fold; physical wellness is pertinent, as is an unclouded conscience and mental state. Cool-headed [b]ᴄʜᴀʀɪꜱᴍᴀ[/b]: [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ'ꜱ[/b][/color] forte. She distinguishes herself from other Goldoans in being grounded. Her perfect evening has a little banter, some tale-telling, a good ale or two. [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] has a genuine, unfettered curiosity of Tellus at large, gleaned over her nose. Fixated with authority, she projects a right to others’ concerns, especially those they refuse to tell her, the dark ones that flit in their eyes and smell of [i]fear.[/i] She wants to know others strengths and flaws for realist purposes too — forbid they trip over one another in the case of bandantry. And who else to protect all these relative children with armor, swords, and staves but the fire-breathing dragon? Her pride runs deep. [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] has simply decided she likes the Beorc and the other Laguz, but overlooks their dynamics like the opulent patron of a theatre performance. [b]ᴜɴᴄᴏɴᴄᴇʀɴᴇᴅ[/b], detached, dispassionate. She thinks too highly of herself to open up emotionally in the conversations she creates; she simply thinks too less of others to allow them similar privilege. Her orotundity can realize as social inelegance, overstepping and asking too much of of others’ punitive little lives. [sub][i][b][color=#fffcec]Background[/color][/b][/i] —[/sub] For many years — ‘many,’ distant and incomprehensible as that word becomes throughout a lifetime, either a true 'many' years, enough for kings to keel and earth itself to shift, or a short-lived 'many,' much like a 'decade' or a 'century' in the Beorc languages. Nevermind which; somewhen, it was decided the surviving members of the Dragon Tribe would not consult with the wider world for political and economic matters, [i]period.[/i] Somewhen, there was warring, havoc, awry, and perhaps it was spurred by Beorc bigotry or rival Lagaz pride — perhaps it was spurred by those beastial, temperamental urges underlying much of Goldoan way of life. Amidst the amelioration of outside Tellus, the Dragon Tribe stood alone with few contributions to give, fewer cares to do so, but the massacre of the Heron Laguz drew some to raise their heads from their stupors. Perhaps too late; some charity was issued to the remains of Serenes, ferried over by fringe royals on order of His Majesty. Before the tragedy, [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] was a marionette to the purposes of the king and his court. Listless, bemoaning the liability of her pure White Dragon lineage, in her developmental hundred-years — this was her first taste of [i]consequence.[/i] She remembers the scale of destruction, the tomes, literature, paintings, property, and the lives reduced to ash before her eyes. Many of these things Goldoa would never know were lost forever. Even the Ravens and Hawks which gathered from far away bore mechanications entirely foreign — arbitrary to her tribe, but fascinating nonetheless. And what if they were devastated too? Would it be any less a loss even if it occurred opposite of a mountain range? Truthfully, her tutelage spoke of Tellus as many Beorc and Laguz learned of Goldoa: existing in legend and fallible oral lore. Stories impartially recollected but with that underlying, poisoning whisper of [i]danger[/i] far-off. The Dragon Tribe is a fearful race, [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] decided, upon her foray into the real world. They lay on hoards of antiquated goods and ideas, pontificating, (she pontificated) when their nobles are all stiff-lipped and decided through caste. [i]The damned castes[/i] — the idea that a Black Dragon’s might and their authority were equatable at all. While [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] grew into her intrepidity, she grew in accomplishment, and controversy inevitably rose as she advocated interventionist policy even the long-standing pacifist king tagged as ‘too radical.’ She substituted her grandfather’s place as head tactician when he retired from politics — the title for her mostly proved a lure for her strong opinions to be heard. She wanted Goldoa to become more than legendary but [i]viable[/i] to the wider world. She wanted participation in the United Bird Tribes! She wanted trade relations with neighboring Laguz nations! But what [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] aspired for herself was to become an ambassador, a diplomat who travelled beyond nation, who represented the shining qualities of the Dragon Tribe: their confidence, their intellect. Goldoa, making small, hesitant steps, met none of [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ'ꜱ[/b][/color] demands but did appoint several court members, including her, to representative status, together known as the Knighted Chancellery. [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] happily sacrificed one of the higher positions in Goldoan court. But, as usual, she would take full advantage. The Chancellery was assigned cursory ambassador tasks — observing foreign climate and directly informing His Majesty; attending social events to improve relationships between themselves and Lagaz nations, many which eyed them warily for this very new direction in Goldoan policy. The Chancellery was small and split between Gallia and Phoenicis. Wingless as she was, it was considered more convenient for [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] to convene with the Beast Tribes to the north — Gallia was certainly most convenient for her ambitions. This was as she saw it: From racially-motivated pirate attacks off the coasts of Phoenicis to the legacy of anti-Lagaz expression from Daein to the Begnion Empire, if any Lagaz tribe wanted lasting peace, the conversation would have to include the Beorc. Objectively, there was no other option. Gallia, in this regard, was forward-thinking as its alliance with Crimea proved. [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] wanted to begin there and move clockwise. [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] regularly attended meetings between both Gallian and Crimean nobility, and a historical inclination to the Lagaz made relations easy to maintain; that was one country sealed — almost too easy when, meanwhile, countries like Daein sat on millennia of injustices, loath to any cross-racial conversation at all. She could request reposition there to no avail; it was unspeakable, [i]dangerous.[/i] And [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] was sick of meekness. As recalcitrant as she was in regards to Goldoan’s caste system, [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] knew change warranted risk. She took matters into her own hands and she went for befitting White Dragon subterfuge. Obviously, this went beyond the breadth of her authority but she couldn’t become a [i]“persona non grata”[/i] if His Majesty, nor foreign rulers, knew not the miller’s daughter she impersonated on the streets. [i]Apparently,[/i] the Chancellery had a resource for Daein socio-political climate after all. If anyone were to glean her insubordination, [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ'ꜱ[/b][/color] would be stripped of her position altogether. Nevertheless: This was, in [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ'ꜱ[/b][/color] opinion, the sole convenience of the human form: disguise (pointed ears aside), which she adopted guilty. All the same, in the heart of the lion’s den, the ‘Children of Wisdom’’s stomping grounds, even over these supposed ‘many’ years that dissipated like sea foam — it didn’t mean little happened. ‘Many’ things — that is a genuine, record-shattering ‘many’ — changed, though mostly in a gradual, time-permitting sense. South of the mountains, a day is a week is a month until a year passes, but the Beorc track all of these like they do the stars and seas. Their world is a running wheel. Time [i]moves.[/i] [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] was reminded, quite starkly, of her mortality compared to their own; most crucially, she was reminded to appreciate moments as they came. She learned the glory of the unknown, of threat of exposure and expulsion, of triumph and adventure. She learned about pubs and drank enough to poison a cow — not a dragon. She lived a second life with far less gradiosity than the real thing but which managed to feel a spot more fulfilling. And the people she’s met, so far, have been the most important as they can be when you live for upwards of a thousand years. Time began to move and [color=#fffcec][b]ᴀꜰʀᴀ[/b][/color] began to wander. The miller’s daughter catches wind of the Desert Hare on the outskirts on the kingdom. There is something enticing about it. It has been several months, anyway; the Chancellery will soon be expected to report to the king after years away from court. Likely, it is the most inopportune time to go. A lone dragon slings assorted goods on her shoulder and swaggers onto a circle of covered wagons. She is dressed like the impoverished but curtsies like a princess. And a demon’s horns mar her forehead. She offers to protect and guide as only she — she is convinced — can do. She wants to make the most of dwindling time. [hr][center]ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ᴘᴏʀᴛʀᴀɪᴛ ʙʏ [color=#fffcec]ᴋᴏɢᴀᴍɪ ᴀᴋɪᴛᴏ[/color][/center][hr] [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider]