Down a long, tall, and mostly empty hallway in the Jedi Temple, the light tapping of Kresst’s talons against the floor echoed off of the walls. For the diminutive Jedi, merely moving from place to place tended to be a long process when he did not have a mind to rush, and at the moment, he was in no hurry to be anywhere. Of course, he [i]was[/i] on the way to a ship that would be leaving in less than half an hour, taking him on his first mission in months, but that did not mean he was in a rush to be there. Kresst gave a quick glance up as he passed at the only other individual, a temple guard on his patrol, in a corridor that could have held hundreds or more. Granted, the Temple was never [i]that[/i] crowded, but it had still felt empty these last few years. The Clone Wars had called so many of their Order into action over its duration, and it had taken great efforts from Kresst to avoid being wrapped up in anything significant. Even then, the missions he could not avoid tended to relate to the Clone Wars in some way. There were few things Kresst despised more than the war, but at the very least, it was seeming to near its end. The Republic’s successes were now far outweighing its failures, and the Confederacy was being pushed back further into the outer rim. Most importantly, all of the Jedi were not needed for the war effort, so Kresst could take on assignments he found much more suitable. This mission in particular hardly related to the war at all, at least not directly. The situation was caused by the war, as some resistance fighters on an outer rim planet had happened to uncover an ancient Sith artifact in some old tunnels they had been using as a hideaway during a Separatist occupation, but Kresst was at least not going on the mission to get into a fight. He was there to help facilitate negotiations to obtain the artifact for safekeeping by the Order. Finally, Kresst reached the path to the landing pad, though it would probably take him another minute just to cross it at his leisurely pace. As usual for these sorts of missions, they would be taking a Consular-class cruiser to their destination. They were not going to have any sort of armed escort, aside from a squad of clones accompanying them, as they were not anticipating any sort of conflict. With luck, this would just be a mundane negotiation, and Kresst would be able to get back to his research.