Jimbo awaited further commands with bated breath as he heard the errant spattering of gun-fire on the open radio. Hopefully, he wouldn't be put in charge of carving the names onto the memorial list today. He gripped the handle of his rifle harder. No one was dying today. He had to remind himself of that. There was a moment of silence on the radio where he was unsure of himself, his scope trailing towards the power facility in suspense. If Washington and Missoti couldn't secure that power facility, they were done for. Lancaster and West would quickly become fish in a barrel, trying to escape out of the facility without disabling the power. [i]"Hostile Down."[/i] He breathed a sign of relief, chuckling as the stress slowly seeped out of his body, a huge weight of worry released from his back. One objective down, one more to go before extraction. Now, where was Lancaster at the moment? He peered back at the supply warehouse, his lips pressed thinly, before looking back at the supply truck that was slowly encroaching on the Blacksite. At the rate it was going at, it would arrive in about 20 minutes or sooner. Just what the hell was taking the other ground team so long? Jimbo muttered into the radio in a steely tone to emphasise the lack of time that they had. " Lancaster, West, what's the ETA on securing that warehouse?" The supply truck was gaining ever so slowly near the blacksite and time wasn't on their side. He made a list of all the possible solutions, humouring them one by one. [i]Distract the guards inside the house with a missed shot?[/i] Suicidal and it would be a utter waste of ammunition. Attracting suspiscion wasn't one of their mission priorities. [i]Pop the tires?[/i] Whoever was the commander of the Blacksite would know something fishy was going on if the tire was popped. In all likelihood, the ground team wouldn't have a way to escape the blacksite and be left sitting ducks. Shit. They were running out of options and there was only one, safe, reliable way they could get in and out of the Blacksite without being spotted visibly. He muttered in the radio one more time, hoping Lancaster would come up with a solution soon. " Lancaster, that supply truck isn't going to hijack itself. Make a decision ASAP. "