[center][h3]Eddie Cage[/h3][/center] [quote=Ater]"And if I were to head to a stand, there's the souvenir stand that's run by the village shopkeepers, or if your hungry you can stop by Dialo's apple pie stand, her apple pies are to die for."[/quote] "Alright, Ater. This apple pie stand sounds pretty good." Eddie replied. "Lead the way." Truth be told, Eddie was unsure about this apple pie that is supposedly very, very good. How could apple pies be made so good that it would be to die for? Considering they were Angels and Demons, there must be some sort of magic involved. That was probably it, thought Eddie. But such judgments would be reserved for later, after tasting the apple pies. [hr] [center][h3]Dorma[/h3][/center] [quote=Yosafire][color=a2d39c]"Hm? Ooo, really? That's so nice."[/color][/quote] "Of course! Anything for you..." Dorma held herself. There was so many things she could say after. All of them being potentially embarrassing. The seconds have begun ticking by as Dorma tried to find a suitable word that would not be awkward. "...Savior of the Gray Garden." Dorma continued with a wink at Yosafire's direction. While the words she had chosen would be embarrassing and awkward, the playful wink should make things relaxed. Right? Right?