[centre][h1]Contracts Available[/h1] [b]Grand Mausoleum - Taken[/b] [color=Gray][i]We are looking for a team of Powder Mages to escort and aid our archaeologists at a new site found on the outskirts of the Grand Mausoleum. No real danger is expected but bandits have been seen in the area and have been known to steal vital equipment from us before. Payment will be a basic payment of ten silver a day, plus expenses, and a share in any proceeds from the search.[/i][/color] [b]Napegeraios Hearthlands[/b] [color=Gray][i]Many of our sheep have gone missing in the past weeks with signs of animal attacks and possible banditry. Urgent aid required in removing threat from flocks vital to my family's welfare - one hundred silver for removal of whatever threats face our herds.[/i][/color] [b]Hatkadedyet[/b] [color=Gray][i]One of our scholars has gone missing, bearing a key to some of the sacrosanct library chambers. Preferably return the man alive but the key must be found. Payment of seventy silver for the key, an additional fifty available for the scholar.[/i][/color] [b]Nawade[/b] [color=Gray][i]Unsubstantiated reports about smugglers reaching the Old Capitol need looking into. The City Guard lack the resources or manpower to search beyond the city limits, Powder Mages required. Possible danger. Fifty to two hundred silver depending on results of search.[/i][/color] [/centre]