(Just posting to address something I missed in my main post) [@CmdrAlfieq] [b]As Ernest[/b] Ernest Jr Pipes up. "My apologies, commander. I was distracted by Miss May's use of the phrase 'Dorsin ost Halit.' I did not mean to be rude." In case I never explained this to Alfieq (or if he never saw my previous posts), Ernest Jr's voice is staticy and slightly distorted, do to the small, low-quality speakers the repair pods got on them. Ernest normally has a deep monotone with little inflection. Ernest Jr's voice is slightly higher, again do to the speakers. "I am not aware of how I work, Commander" Says the repair pod. "I simply woke up not too long ago, near Hany's Ribbon. I had no memory of before that point, other than knowledge of how to operate myself. As far as I can tell, any previous memories have been corrupted beyond repair, and were deleted to save space on my memory. I have no way of knowing my origin, nor do I have much interest in finding out."