The insult reached the ears of the glowing rider who had just recently lost his sword to a running cleric, but the man did not let it bother him much, if at all. A statement came back to Parum, biting at the weak point of the quip: "Renthisjic wer ir svaust enelic shafaer prekitr itrewic di laraeki! Vur ti tangis shafaer jacioniv kurjh!" Despite all that, it was very much clear that the Bard's worries were well founded. The rider was tugging on the reins of the horse, preparing to withdraw. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] "Renthisjic wer ir svaust enelic shafaer prekitr itrewic di laraeki! Vur ti tangis shafaer jacioniv kurjh!" stands for "Says the one who relies on stealing of weapons! And not even on her own!" [@Ryonara] The Dragonclaw succeeds in the Wisdom Save ([url=]22[/url]). It is now Torus's turn [@Gordian Nought]. [/hider]